Phone Star

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Butters wakes up and like expected it's there again. He doesn't understand! He got his mark at the age of 4, which was usually way too early. It was so simple, six black simple lines forming the kind of star you see on phones. It looked odd, it always had. Nevermind the fact that others had much more complicated marks, with colors and many, many more lines. Never mind the fact that it kept scarring and then being whole again the next morning.

He should just cut it off. Tweek did, he was so freaked out by how it slowly appeared and he just cut it off. He hurt himself pretty bad and as expected he has no hand, making things much more difficult. Craig, his soulmate wasn't that happy Tweek had cut off the evidence.

It wasn't often two males or two females were found to be soulmates. But it did happen, Butters could count to four same sex couples who were soulmates, Tweek and Craig, Stan and Kyle, Clyde and Kevin, Nelly and Lola.

There were a lot of people at their school who hadn't met their soulmate yet. The mark only appeared when they first spoke. Which made Butters wonder what was wrong with his again, he didn't even remember who he spoke to at age four, just that in the morning, the black lines were there.

He slowly got up and did his morning routine, it was painful, knowing he was never gonna find who he was destined to be with.

He couldn't see many people's marks, as most wore gloves to fight against the chilly Colorado weather.

When he had his school bag packed and all the books he would need shoved inside, he left for school. His parents weren't there and Butters was glad for that. They had calmed in an odd way, he didn't get grounded nearly as much as he used too but whenever he did it was always for the weirdest of stuff.

"Oh you've destroyed my favourite plate? That's okay, hun."
"You put the empty milk back into the fridge? That's it mister, you're grounded."

Butters didn't understand but as he was slowly realising, not much made sense anymore.

The bus ride to school was quiet as usual, he wasn't really friends with anyone except Wendy and maybe Kyle, Wendy didn't ride the bus and Kyle sat with Stan so it wasn't like he had anyone to sit beside.

The bus arrived later than usual and Butters sighed as he'd have even less time to prepare for class.

This first period was fairly easy as Butters just had to take notes, except that he was distracted as usual. He couldn't stop looking at his mark. It was so unusual, Butters had even began wearing gloves to hide it. It was ugly, it was simple, half of the time it was just a large scar. Butters hated it, he really, really did.

As he looked around the room, he shot a look at Tweeks stump where on of his hands had previously been.


He couldn't willingly lose a hand just because he didn't like his mark, that would just be silly despite that however, a small part of him wanted to.

Truth be told, Butters doesn't do much of anything. He goes to school, does his homework and sleeps. Other than that he doesn't really do much. He writes, sometimes. Sometimes the few internet friends he has wants to talk, and sometimes he'll sleep at Wendy's, but that's about it.

So all in all, his life was pretty boring. The most things on his mind at the moment were if he should find a part time job and if he should sign up for helping the school play.

As the school day neared its end, Butters stood at his locker, searching for his math folder. "Gosh darnit, where did I place it?" He cursed (if you can even call that cursing) softly.

He felt someone knock on his back. The shock made his body try to stand upright, only making him slam his head into the top of his locker. "Ouch," he said, rubbing his head and blinking as to clear his vision enough to see the person who was responsible.

"You okay?" Kenny raised an eyebrow.

Butters took his hand away from his head, to check if there had been something sharp that he'd cut himself on. Luckily, his hand was clear from blood.

"I should be soon." Butters thinks he lost about 25% of his innocence along the way and he wasn't exactly sure if that was something he liked. Nonetheless, he felt a bit more mature and less of a 'happy-go' lucky type of guy.

Kenny nodded. "Looking for this?" He held his hand forward and showed the red folder he was holding. Butters lit up.

"Where did you find it?" He said, taking it and holding it against his hip.

"In the library," Kenny had a similar parka as to when he was small but he usually didn't wear it over his mouth anymore, though his hair was mostly fully covered. "I was gonna go ask Kyle if he wanted to do anything after school and found it on one of the tables."

Butters, because while he doesn't have many people to be affectionate towards anymore, he's still very affectionate, hugs Kenny. "Thank you! You really saved my butt there." Butters laughs as he pulls away from the hug.

Kenny looks slightly shocked but his face goes neutral as soon as the bell rings. "Thank you again Kenny. I've gotta go now."

Kenny just nods while Butters turns around and closes his locker. When he turns back around, Kenny's gone. He doesn't mind though, Kenny's nice and he likes talking to him but he does have a clas to get to and even if he didn't, Kenny was just there to give him his folder anyway.


The next day Butters was allowed to go to Wendy's after school, since his parents really liked her.

They were currently talking about Butters upcoming birthday. Normally he didn't celebrate it at all, not before he and Wendy became friends at least, which was somewhere around two years ago.

She was trying to convince him to go out to a party or at least do anything.

Eventually she sighed, sitting down crossed legged besides Butters where he sat on her floor. "How about we have a get-together then? Gather a few friends, maybe get some alcohol?"

Butters sighed. "I don't really have many friends and I don't want people to feel obligated to buy a gift just because they were invited." He wasn't even gonna say anything about the alcohol thing, he knew a lot of his classmates drankm

Wendy scoffed, she could be so stubborn when she wanted too. "Alright, final offer. You, me, Bebe, Kyle since I know you guys are kind of friends and whoever else you want to invite have an evening at Bebe's house, no gifts allowed. No loud music, not a party just a chill get-together."

Butters sighed but he could feel a smile creeping onto his face. "I'm not sure Kyle will come but I don't think I mind."

Wendy nodded, "you wanna invite anyone else?"

Butters thought for a while about the few people who actually was okay with talking to him. He couldn't come up with many names though and the ones he did he was sure would come. Butters lips went into a flat line as he said, "nope."

He was still excited though, even if he was sure it would be just be him, Wendy and Bebe but they were nice and he liked them so it wasn't like he minded too much. Didn't mind at all actually.

The Boy with the Broken MarkWhere stories live. Discover now