Free Booze

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Kyle tapped his pen onto his legs. The sound of Stan and Kenny shooting in a video game beside him. He'd taken this time to study a bit, even if his friends were here his studies were important. It wasn't like he wasn't talking to them either, he enjoyed their company and would throw in comments when he saw fit.

His phone, which was laying on Stans coffee table in front of the couch buzzed once, twice and then a third time in a row. He saw Stan shoot him a quick look before looking back to the game. Kyle rolled his eyes but was surprised when he saw multiple texts from Wendy of all people.

Wendy had disliked him since she found out he and Stan were soulmates since she had always hoped for herself and Stan, even if they obviously weren't soulmates.

Wendy: Butters is having a kinda birthday party on friday you up for it?

Wendy: No gifts tho

Wendy: It's at Bebes house 6 pm

Kyle frowned, couldn't Butters just have told him himself? He had no clue Butters birthday was so close.

"Who's it from?"

Kyle shook his head. He knew Wendy and Butters were friends so he supposed it wasn't out of the ordinary for her to arrange a birthday party for him, especially if it was a surprise. "Wendy." He stated simply, wondering if he should go or not.

Kyle could see Stan pause the game in his peripheral vision. He heard Stan gulp and once again he rolled his eyes. Kyle didn't care for Wendy much but it wasn't that he disliked her. He wasn't stupid, he knew she and Stan had slept together even if neither of them had told him, but Stan always overreacted as soon as he talked about her.

"So um- what'd she say?" Stan laughed nervously and when he looked over he could see Kenny rolling his eyes this time.

Kyle kind of wanted to call Stan out om his nervous behavior but didn't. "She invited me to Butters birthday party."

"Why didn't he just invite you himself?" Stan frowns.

Kyle shrugs. "I don't know. Surprise party? Anyway, I don't think I'll go."

It's quiet for a bit as Kyle scribbles down the answer to the next question on his study material quiz.

"Wait- Butters birthday is coming up?" Kenny asks, like he's genuinely curious. Kyle nods, "I guess so, I had no clue about it either."

"Do you-" Kenny shifts uncomfortably on the couch. "Do you think they'll invite me?"

"You just want free booze." Stan laughs.

"Like they'd have booze at Butters birthday party." Kyle replies.

"Fair point." Stan shrugs. "You wouldn't be able to buy a gift anyway, Kenny."

"Wendy said it was gift free."

"Do you think fat-ass will be there?" Stan asks and Kyle snorts.

"I hope not."

"You're going?" Kenny asks Kyle.

"I don't think so. Maybe, I haven't decided yet." Kyle lifts an eyebrow. "Why are you so eager to go when you haven't even been invited?"

"Free booze." Kenny answered immediately. Kyle thought something was off but he didn't question it.

"I knew it!" Stan exclaimed, laughing. Kyle laughed softly.


Butters cast Wendy a weary look. "Do you really think it's a good idea?"

"Yep. Loosen up, Butters. You don't have to drink it but I know Bebe will want to. I'll keep check so she doesn't go overboard."

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