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Diannes pov
I was meeting joe In a week. I couldn't believe how quick these past three months have gone, were finnaly going to meet each other after 6 months of talking to one another.

Today I was packing my bag and I had no idea what to pack. I had never been to England before so I didn't know what the weather was like. Joe said it was cold and raining in the winter but when it's hot it's really hot, so I decided to pack some summer clothes and winter clothes.

I got out my suitcase and got some clothes out my wardrobe. I started by putting all my tops in and then some leggings and jeans. I packed the most random things. I disnt know what joe had planned you see and I disnt want to buy any clothes that I didn't bring with me when I get to London.

I put all my shoes in and then on the top I place the pyjamas and the dressing gown joe got me for Christmas. I've warm them both non stop since getting them.

I then looked over my flight. It was at 5:30 am which ment I would get to London at about 10pm. Joe was picking me up from Heathrow Airport and I was so exited.

I couldn't wait to explore the UK as I had ever been before. I couldn't wait to taste teh food and have English tea and I couldn't wist most importantly to meet

My best friend for the first time

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