23. Daddy Youssef

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Salaaaaaam guyssss.....
Thank you to everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting.
I'll dedicate this chapter to zeyana12  who is always crying for updates❤️❤️❤️
To carymer97 who is always a reader and a consistent voter. These two have been supporting this book since day one😄
To everyone who votes , comments and reads even silently, I really appreciate all of you, its because of all of you, that I keep writing... 🧡🧡🧡


'These guys are maddddd!!' Youssef laughed as he read texts from his phone. It was his team's group chat.

6 days till Youssef leaves.

It just settled in.

My heart sank.

He was leaving on Saturday. Today was Saturday and the day was almost over.
I sat staring at the chocolate ice cream that Youssef brought me after Asr salah it had suddenly lost its sweetness.

'What's up?' He asked.

'Oh nothing I was just thinking about something.'

'What's better than the ice cream on your hands?.'

'The one who gave it to me.' I said with a smile. Youssef gave a wide smile. I hadn't seen him smile like this for days.

'I'm right here.' He said pecking my cheek and putting his phone away to give me his full attention.

'Yes and I'm grateful. Alhamdulillah.'

After a few minutes I had finished all the ice cream, Youssef starred at me in disbelief. Even I was surprised and I still wanted more, I laughed mentally.

'How did you?'

'Wallahi I don't know.' I laughed.

'You really were craving  ice cream.'

'I still want more.' I said bitting my lower lip. Youssef laughed.

'What has gotten into you? ' He laughed again.

'Will I get more?' I asked batting my eye lashes at him.

He pinched my nose. 'I don't want you getting sick.'

'That'll be the last one, I promise.'

'You can't have anymore when you go out for work.'

'You are giving me ideas.'


'Promise!' I said not completely sure about it. Just then my phone rang only to see that it was Saffiyya and something told me she was with Ruqqayya.
It was the both of them sitting on bed waiting to talk to me. After salaams they started teasing me as usual.

'Haven't seen you all week!!!' Saffiyya complained.

'It's not surprising, Youssef is back. She forgets about us when he's around!' Ruqqayya said with a laugh.

'You guys are exaggerating, We text everyday and you know I'm always tired after work.'

'We know, we know... but you know we are not lying either.'

Youssef just laid next to me busy with his phone again.

'Aqsa come with us to Summayya's  wedding please.'
Saffiyya pleaded.
Summayya was their friend whom we all knew. I had completely forgotten about it because she invited all of us. I didn't feel like going, one. I didn't have the energy to start getting ready, maman and papa are going on a date, Maryam will be at home bored. I also want to spend time with Youssef and I also had to ask Youssef if he was okay with me going.

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