Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:


Gracie POV

The wind swept through my dark wavy hair. I should've known not to straighten it this morning since it was supposed to snow. The snow here was amazing and everyone seemed to be in the Christmas cheer. Light hung on every building as well as ribbons and bows. Music played on every street even though some people really weren't paying attention since they had places to be or people to shop for. 

Christmas was literally around the corner and i had most of my shopping done. I just had to shop for my little brother, Damian. Yup, mom had a boy around February right before dad had to leave for tour. Talk about great timing. He was a little late but he was still healthy just the same. He has curly hair and light blue eyes. How he got those, i have no clue. But looking back at the pictures of my real father, he had blue eyes as well so i guess it comes from my mom's side.

I slipped into the train just in time for it to pull off. That's the thing about living in New  York, it's all about timing. You're either running late or you're early. Either way, you're always rushing to get somewhere. I hugged my bag tightly as i made my way to an empty seat some guy had gave up. I smiled at him and then took my seat. 

A lot has changed over the year. Mom had her baby, Uncle Lou and aunt El adopted a healthy baby girl and both Aunt Alex and Aunt Sarah are pregnant. They're about two months apart but it still surprised us all. Darcy went on her first tour with dad as their opening act and the crowd loved her. Harry was still practicing his footie but he was still getting noticed by some colleges looking to recruit him. Everyone was doing fine. And me, well i'm more focused on school than anything.

Robbie and i split a few months back. He was more focused on his music and i was more focused on my dancing. We just couldn't fit. It was a mutual break up but it still hurt. I didn't have time for feelings though as i was either in the dance studio or in class. Dad had bought me a penthouse a few blocks away from school and it was a nice place. It just felt like something was missing.

"Hi," some guys said while taking a seat next to me. He looked about my age and had bright green eyes. He looked really fit even in that coat. 


"Connor." He stuck his hand out.

"Gracie." I took it and he shook it lightly.

"I think i've seen you around school. You're a really good dancer."

"Thanks. I can't say that i've seen you around."

He shrugged and chuckled a bit. "I can't say you do. I work mostly in the studio. I'm majoring to be a producer."

"Ah. Nice."

"Your dad is a producer isn't he?" I knew it. "I mean, i don't mean to be one of those people that know you everywhere you go..."

"No, no," i said shaking my head and looking at my hands that were sitting on my lap. "It happens all the time."

"I'm sorry... i just... I really didn't mean to bring him up. It's just that Styles isn't really a common name."

"Yeah, i know what you mean."

"Hey." He placed his hand on my back to make me look up at him which i did. "I really didn't mean to bring him up. Before i knew your last name, i thought you weren't linked to anyone famous like the rest of us."

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