My Fake Family

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The stairs creeked as walked up to the attic that no one was ever allowed to go into. I didn't see why. Sure, it was an attic and it was creepy but you would know that people would want to go up there to look for something. I was looking for my favorite skirt that Darcy managed to hide from me. She's always stealing my clothes and since it wasn't in her room or the wash, the last place i had to look for it was here.

It was dark and it smelled weird up here. I swear there were rats up here or something but our cat Molly would eat them if she found them. Mum and dad went out to the store leaving me to watch Darcy and Harry, not like they needed me to watch them anyways. They're 13 already.

I looked all around the room for my skirt that she would happen to hide. My eyes kept going over to this creepy looking desk that seemed like it was calling me. I didn't have time for this. I had to get to ballet practice.

I went over to the desk and ran my fingers over it. This seemed so familiar but i just couldn't figure out where i saw it before. Maybe when i was a baby? I don't know. But i saw it in my dreams plenty of times. I just didn't know what it meant.

I opened the top drawer and there was this little journal in there with notes sticking out of it.


That's what it said on the front cover. Who's Justin? I began to pull it out and opened it, tracing my fingers over the scribbled notes. I didn't read them, i only skimmed. But something caught my eye that was on every single letter.

Tell Gracie

Tell me what? That's when i began to read some of the notes.

"Gracie where are you? Mum and dad are home to take you to practice," I heard Harry yell up the stairs. His footsteps soon followed after that. "What are you doing up here? Mum and dad would have a fit if they found out."

I stuffed the book back into the drawer and closed it. "That's why you're not going to tell them that you found me here."

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine but you owe me."

"I'll do your homework for a week."


"Give me a break. By the way your grades are? I'll give you a B."

"I'll take that." He walked down the stairs he came up. I looked down at the desk one more time before following my brother back down the stairs.


Prolouge is short but it is a prolouge :p

So what do you think?

My best friend and i are working hard on this book so you guys will love it.

I'll upload every weekend when i can yeah?

Maybe chapter one will be up tonight but i have to make sure it's good even though most first chapters are boring xD

So, comment comment comment! :D

Love you guys

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