A normal day.

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It was a wonderful fall morning. Echo, dressed in his police uniform and open the door. Echo, inhales the air. He feels the rush of  cold air in his lungs. the smell of leaves, and the holiday season. He smiled as he turned around to lock the door. Echo, walked up to his car and unlocked the door. He looked up and sees the oak tree leaves falling down. They swayed black and forth and landed on the grass that was once green.
Echo got in his car and begin to drive. He looked at all the cars passing by all different colors and brands. He made his turn. He was listening to the radio, his favorite relax music. It plays calmly while stuck in 7am traffic.
Fifteen minutes into the traffic, he made his way to the police station. He parked his car and made his way to the door. As soon as he enters. There was a bunch of officers looking at Echo for a second and back what they where doing.
Echo made his way to his locker and put on his belt with all the accessories, his name badge, his hat and his walkie talkie. He closed his locker. He clocked in and made his way to his desk, where the other officer meet up and chief has something to say.
Everyone got quiet as chief croc walks in. He's a big guy. He is a brown/green croc with yellow eyes. He is like a cat. Always watching everyone's moves.
He looked at everyone as he enters the door, and stood still for a bit and exhaled.
"Okay, this is very important everyone. We are finding a missing person. His name is Amity. He is a blue penguin with red eyes. He is addicted to getting High, and loves to get high almost all the time. It's our duty to find the creature and get him." He was quiet for a second. "NOW EVERYONE GO!"
Everyone got up and off they go with the mission to find Amity. Echo was excited.
As Echo was getting up, his chief stopped him and looked at him with crocky hand on Echos shoulder. "Echo, I have a special mission for you." Chief smiled.
Echo was in his Chief's office waiting. Echo's ears perked up as the door opened.
"Echo, this is very a very important mission. We need to take this very serious." Chief croc sat down on his chair, he adjusted and blinked. "See this file, Echo?"
"Yes?" Echo tilted his head slightly.
"This file has all the information you need. This mission is dangerous." Chief exhales. "You don't understand how complicated this is. No officer ever came back alive. The reason I chose you, because you have impress me with your skills and work, Echo."
Echo's ears moved down slightly and looked at the file on his chief's hands. He looked back at his Chief, and confidence begin to increase in his chest. Like he was anxious and excited at the same time. "I could do that, Chief."
"Are you sure?" Chief smiled a little more.
"Yes sir." Echo jumped from his chair.
Chief sat up and have Echo the file. Echo, opened it and it begin to glow. Echo's pupils Begin to grow as he reads all the information about this mission.
Echo looks up and he was hyped.
"Good luck, Echo!" Chief day back again.
Echo, stood up and saluted. "I will not disappoint, sir."
Echo, walked out of the door and holding the file on his hand. He looked  to his right and sees all the fallen officers that did this mission. "I will not disappoint." Echo whispers. He smiled and looked at his squad car. "I don't need it."
Echo, ran to the street that was read on the file. When echo looked in, he sees the street being so dark and scary. He gulped he took a step in. Echo, hears a lot of whispering and computer sounds. It sounded like a highway, and electric sparks came out.
As he walked in deeper, it was getting darker and darker. Echo, turned on his flashlight and looked left and right to see anything suspicious. He sees orange goo, which made it strange. "Orange goo? Hm, better keep a sample of this."
As he got deeper, he sees some sort of light. It looks like something from a computer. He slides down from the wire and look around. He looked down he was on a HardDrive. His ears twitch a bit. He is hearing noises, it sounded closer and closer. Echo looked up and sees orange blobs.
"Threat detected." It yells.
"Freeze! Stay where you are!" Echo yells with his gun out.
They got closer and closer, surrounding Echo. Echo looked around him, with his tail in position. They are blobs with angry 'a' in the middle.
"Well shit. Where have I seen something like that." Echo think a bit. Avast?
"I am not a threat!!" Echo had to run. He ran away and they followed him. "This is bad. I see why chief says not one comes out alive.."
they begin to shoot lasers. echo looked back, and sees a burnt mark on the ground. "Oh man!!" Echo jumped and ran.

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