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"Officer, gecko May i have a word with you." Chief croc, looked at the door and inhaled. "Wonder how Echo is doing?"
Officer Gecko knocked the door and smiled. "Sir?"
"Sit down please." Chief croc sat back and put  his hands together. "We need to have a discussion about, Amity. Have you guys found him yet?"
Officer gecko looked at his Chief  and shook his head.
Smoke came out of Chief croc's nose, he stood up quickly. "Why haven't you guys find him yet?!"
Officer gecko cover his face. "Sir, we are trying!"
"You guys need to find him! I don't care how long it takes. We need him now."  Chief slams the desk. He stood still and relaxed and look at officer gecko. "I apologize."
Officer gecko, looked at his Chief. "I will try my best."
Officer gecko walked out, and walked towards one of the officers. "We need to find, Amity."
"We can't find him." Officer monitor responded.
Chief Croc walls in, right behind officer gecko. "Explain your reasoning." He crossed his arms and hissed.
Everyone frozed...  no one had anything to say.
"Nothing, then you guys can go out and find him."
Everyone saluted and made there way oit of the building, except officer gecko and Chief Croc.
Chief croc,  looked at officer gecko and smiled. "Want some coffee?"

Back with echo.
"Okay, this is a problem!" Echo ran from them hoping there will not be a dead end. He looked straight ahead and sees a wall. "No... not a dead end." Echo stopped  to looked back  and he was passed out.
Echo woke up, and look around, Echo try to move and he was chained on the arms and legs. He looked down, and he was a few feet off the ground. Echo's tail wiggles a bit. Echo put his head down and exhale . He felt like he failed his Chief. Echo heard a noise and looked up. It was a huge blob. He looked at Echo is anger.
"Is this the virus?" It asked the mini blobs.
They all looked at him, and bowed. It seems to be a king of some sort.
Echo, looked at him. He couldn't move. "What do you want?"
"Shush it, you! You are not allowed to talk. Unless I say so." King avast yells.
Echo, looked around. The room was dark, wit torches lit on certain areas. Echo, didn't even want to look at the king.
"You are here, because my minions find you as a virus. Do you know where you are? You are in the motherboard. The heart of the computer."
"In a computer? What?!"
"That's right, you're in a computer. Who sent you here?" He got close.
"I am with the police department." Echo yelled.
"Oh, you're an officer?"
"Yeah, didn't you see the thing I am wearing?"
"Nope. I see you as a virus!"
"I feel so bad for you."
"You think I am a virus?"
"Well yeah."
Echo exhaled. "Now what?"
"You be a good Slave. And behave one like too!" King avast yells.
"I refuse to." Echo smiles.
"Your stuck here anyways, good luck."  He smiled and left the room with his little blobs.
Echo, saw the door close and look around. He  look at the chains and his tail. "I think I can escape this."
Echo flex his tail to the chain and use his spikes as a key picker. He begin to sweat.

"I am worried about echo. It's been three days." Chief croc look at clock. "I hope he's okay."
"I am sure he's okay." Officer gecko smiled.
Chief croc sips his coffee and exhales. "You're right."

Echo, falls on the ground and look around, and got up running, he hides behind chips, as he sees the blobs pass by. He sneaks his way through. Echo's ears perked up. "Threat detected. Prisoner escape."
Echo, looked around and sees a big screen. He stared at it and it showed a fimular blob. It was king Avast.
"Well, well, well. You are a pretty smart little guy. Seems I have caught you trying to escape, which I will not tolerate. Prisoners who escape have consequences. My best advice is to behave like one and go back to the room that we placed you in, or you will be forced to." King avast stared at echo.
Echo, titled his hat down and smiled. "Not unless you can catch me." Echo ran and hide behind one of the computer chips.
"Hahaha, silly roo! You can't escape from me. Once I have you back you will be on watch. And force to do what I say." The screen turn off.
Echo, looked at the screen and looked back, the minions are after echo. "Well, shit. Not today."
Echo, ran through a hallway where all the wires and chips created an obstacle. Echo jumped over and jump through loops. He looks back and sees them following him. "They float, silly me."
Echo, turned a fast corner and continued to run. The blobs pass by and stopped and turn to the corner.
"You can't escape.. hahaha." Echo heard from the speakers.
Echo, looked at the walls as he was running. "I could parkour this!" Echo increase in momentum. And jumped from one wall to another. He made it to the top and continue to run. There where a row of wires that echo can fit. The blobs can't. Echo slid through and continued to run. "Ha, that should stop them!"
They made their way through. "How does one stop them."

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