Falling with Portals (Reference? I Don't Know Her)

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I promise that all of this was just an accident.

I mean, it's not my fault these guys got dragged into my universe!

...Okay, maybe it was, but I didn't do it on purpose!

Alright, alright. I should probably start at the beginning, shouldn't I? Okay, here goes...


I was lounging around in my luxury mansion, waiting for something new to happen—

Hold up, hold up, I know what you're thinking. It may seem odd that I own a mansion as a relatively young adult.

But wait! I can explain!

My parents didn't die or anything. I'm not that cliché. They were comfortable in the New York penthouse.

See, my family was insanely rich through some company my parents made or bought or something. I didn't become a spoiled brat, though. I think. Anyway, they bought this place for me to use as a studio and workplace. Paid it off, too. I just moved in as a convenience.

So, back to the story. I was bored out of my mind.

But I was also pretty upset, though my face certainly wouldn't have shown it.

You see, my best friend Addy (short for Adelina) was moving away in a couple of weeks. Her family had all moved back to (her home city), and they were encouraging her to come back, as well. She finally gave in and began arranging everything, but as (her city) was practically on the other side of the world, I couldn't see her as often.

She thought that I was happy for her, glad that she was doing this for her family.

On the inside, I was crying.

I didn't want Addy to go away. She was the last friend I ever had, and even though a small part of my conscience was pleased with her, most of me wanted to latch onto her leg and make her stay.

But I said nothing. I just kept smiling.

I know it's not healthy to keep my feelings bottled up and everything, but the one person I wanted to tell was the person I could never tell them to.

I would miss our fun times together.

Our girls' nights in (I barely went out, making me so cool), our shared love of gaming, Disney, and books, and the random nicknames we gave each other.

My favorite one she gave me was Judge.

She said she made it because it was always like I could look inside someone and just know their intentions.

But that's just a random nickname.

I groaned, standing up from the chair, only to fall onto the carpet, burying my face in the fluff.

"Iy does she haff to leaf?" I mumbled into fuzz. "Iy, iy, iy?"

~Le Time Skep!~

"Why, why, why?"

"Because it can be fun to interact with the real world sometimes!"

I groaned, smacking my face into a random wall. "But I don't want to!"

Addy tugged me away from the block surface pulling me along the street. "Come on! I'll find the per-fect place for you, mi amor!"

I haven't talked about what she looked like, haven't I? Okay, so picture a crazy, (about your age)-year-old stereotypical Latina with pink-streaked hair, glasses with red rims a hair thick, and a weird kaleidoscope-vintage fashion sense. Also, she's highly lesbian.

{DISCONTINUED} A Skele-Reader (AU!Sans X Cursed!Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now