Professor Error and the Attack

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I stared at the mural that had 'magically' appeared on one of the walls of the living room over the course of the couple of hours or so that I was asleep.

I mean, it was nice and all, but I could still sue for vandalism.

"Who did this?"

"that'd be ink."

I flinched, spinning around to meet Error's passive and indifferent eyelights.

"Paintbrush guy, right?"

His gaze turned blank, but I could detect a hint of a smirk on his teeth. "...yes."

I turned back to it.

It was a rather calming scene—a waterfall and river, practically glowing a blue aura, as well as some flowers. There rest of the scenery was dark blues, blacks, and grays.

"that's waterfall."

My snark decided to introduce itself. "Creative."

To my surprise, instead of being offended or angry, he snickered. "my thoughts exactly."

"Is..." My voice trailed off as I eyed the picture again. "Why would Ink draw this?"

Error shuffled in place, eyelights drawn to the ground. "well..."

He doesn't talk to people often. He has communication issues, yet he's still trying. He wants to have friendship, but often brings up his guard (a cold exterior), effectively cutting off potential friendships before they can start. He has an odd fascination with Ink, in particular, but there's a deep-rooted anger there, as well.

"You don't have to tell me," I said quickly, waving my hands in front of my face. "I was just curious—"

"no, no, it's fine," Error cut me off. "it's probably the most popular place in the underground in all the aus. he draws it so often because it's easy to. it keeps his hands busy."

Why would you know that if you don't like him?

I cocked my head. "You lost me. Underground? AUs? Is this something like quantum theory? That's the usual thing."

Error sighed, running a bony hand over the top of his head. "sort of? it's pretty complicated to explain to someone who has no clue about anything—"

"Then tell me."

He looked over at me as I sat down on the couch, leaning on my elbow and putting my chin into my palm. My eyes stared into his sockets.

"I'm a fast learner," I continued. "I absorb like a sponge. If you explain it to me, I'm sure I could understand in twenty minutes or so."

It took a minute for him to sit beside me and begin talking again.

"...i should probably start with the multiverse. we only travel within our own multiverse, but i've suspected for a while that there are other multiverses—"

(Lunar here! Error's talking about the Naj! and the PJ's Daycare type multiverses. Just wanted to clear that up. Lunar out.)

"—that exist. a multiverse basically a collection of universes surrounding a major theme—or something like that. in each universe, there is something different and unique that differentiates it from the others, yet they follow the same sort of pattern in how they work and whatnot.

"it's different from quantum theory in that it's not like a tree in which it branches off based on choice. each au—alternate universe—is based on the same cores, but with a varying way of expressing those cores. it's's like how humans have different genes, and they are each turned off and on to make different people. different aspects are turned off and on to make different universes. however, it is dissimilar in that the creators are constantly making new genes to add to the mix."

{DISCONTINUED} A Skele-Reader (AU!Sans X Cursed!Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now