VIP Movie Night

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It was something that I had been pondering over for a while. (LiKe mE pOnDeRiNg ThIs ChApTeR—)

Thanks to Error, I knew that each universe was different—not based off choice, but by design.

Would the creators purposefully create universes in which their characters are miserable?

Based on the actions and personalities I had gotten so far out of the skeletons, it seemed so.

Dust was secretive, but I had garnered during our first get-to-know-you session that his universe was pretty dark. He had to do something very...bad...over and over again, and he couldn't stop doing it because of an outside source that was 'making him' do it.

Horror was forced to be cannibalistic because of low food resources—he made sure to fill up here. It was pretty obvious through his constant need to eat.

I'm not sure about what Fell was going through, but he said himself that his AU 'isn't fun,' or something like that. Pretty nonspecific, but he had that scar over his eye-socket for a reason.

Those were the main ones I worried about, in terms of violent pasts.

Lilac and Error were two very different stories, but I think my concern was primarily on them.

Lilac was quite clearly in a state of depression and no one seemed to care, while Error was ostracized and excluded because he was perceived by literally everyone as the villain.

Both of them seemed to have pretty high and thick walls to penetrate.

Despite the constant pit in my stomach, letting me feel anxious about even talking to them because they might hate me and never speak to me again (even though Lilac and I were friendly and Error was distant, but not too cold), I wanted to tear down those walls.

Spontaneously, I came up with a likely-to-end-in-disaster-and-misery Plan of Ultimate Gloriousness That Totally Won't Fail and/or Screw You Over in the End—or a PUGTTWFSYOE. I was quite famous for them, actually—or, rather, their failures. (It was pronounced pugged-twuh-fiss-ee-oh, but who needs to know that?)

So it was in the living room—me on one of the couches, and him on his now usual loveseat—that I popped my question (which was NOT THAT QUESTION).

"Hey, Lilac?"

Said skeleton stopped playing with his hoodie strings—a habit I noticed he seemed to have brought over from his AU—and looked over at me nervously. "yes?"

His tone was quiet, hardly noticeable unless you took the time to listen.

"Can I spend some time with you today?"

Lilac cracked one of his rare smiles. "sure, i'll clear my schedule."

He was one of the few that genuinely seemed to like you—the other two would be Blue and Ink. You had nothing against Classic or Error, the two you felt the most in between about relationship-wise. The other three were quite distant, likely because of their pasts.

I laughed. "Yes, your extremely full schedule of sitting on the couch."

"exactly. what were you planning on?"

My face turned blank. "I'm going to quote Kung Fu Panda 2 on this and say: 'Honestly, I wasn't expecting to make it this far.'"

I jerked my head. "Well, I also wanted to invite Error. I-I mean," I stammered quickly, holding my hands out in expectance of accusation, "if you were okay with it!"

I only barely caught the flash of a strained smile and disappointment—why was that there?—before it turned genuine again. "of course. if he doesn't..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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{DISCONTINUED} A Skele-Reader (AU!Sans X Cursed!Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now