Chapter 2: Perfectly Shaped Ass

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Zander could feel everyone staring and he had the urge to turn and tell everyone to fuck off. He didn’t like being around people much less being the center of attention even if he asked for it.

Now was not one of those times he wanted to be left alone well except follow the swinging ass of the little brunette that had walked away from his former best friend.

“Zander!” My best friend Asher Wyatt smiled his pretty boy grin. And Asher was a pretty boy while Zander was more of a rough and tough kind of guy. And his scared proved it.

“Hey Asher,” He gave a lopsided grin that had a couple of the girls swooning but his eyes were glued to that ass. “You here to welcome me back?”

“Any day and every day, man.” Zander put his hand out and he grabbed it and they bumped chest. He looked up hoping to catch one last look at that perfectly shaped ass but he caught the storm grey eyes of the girl.

They were large and innocent, reminding him of someone he couldn’t out his finger on at the moment. The eyes were also swimming with tears.

But they weren’t looking at him they were looking at Asher’s back.

Asher pulled back and started to go one about how many hot girls there were in this school as if Zander hadn’t been here his freshman and sophomore year. But he was glad to just let his friend go on and on.

The girl twisted and bolted through the door just as the bell rang.

“Wish I could stay, but I gotta go to the office and check in.” Asher nodded and followed after some hot blonde.

Zander shrugged his back pack further onto his shoulder and easily found his way. He remembered exactly how this school was built and where everything was.

“Ahh Mr. Stone,” The old secretary smiled. She had probably been pretty in her day but age hadn’t done her well. Her skin was pasty and wrinkly. Her green eyes were dull and her blonde hair was wiry. “Welcome back. Mrs. O’Neil is waiting for you.” She smiled again and even Zander had to admit for an old woman she had a nice smile.

He walked around the desk and through the principal’s door.

Now Mrs. O’Neil was a gorgeous woman. Her body was full of curves, large breast with a thin waist and wide hips. She even had nice long legs. Her hair was smooth midnight black and her eyes were the same.

“Stone,” she said her voice delicate and beautiful. Zander knew it wouldn’t last. She hated him. “It’s so nice to see you.”

“It’s always a pleasure to see you.” Zander made it obvious he was staring at her breasts which were held tight together by a cashmere sweater vest.

She frowned. “Mr. Stone—“

“Call me Zander,” He gave her his lopsided grin and her eye twitched.

“Mr. Stone,” She began again, he sat back further in his seat. “Welcome back to Mission High, we have already signed you up to all the mandatory classes and there is only enough room for one extra class. Your choices are band or Mechanics—“

“Mechanics,” He said quickly. He really wanted to know how to fix his bike. She typed on her computer quickly and looked back at him.

“All right Mr. Stone,” She looked him straight in the eye and he couldn’t help but stiffen. He didn’t like holding people’s eyes for long. He didn’t want them to see what he hid in his. “I’ve been over your past classes and have decided to put you in Advanced Chemistry and Algebra. Can you handle them?”

“Yeah,” he crossed his arms. “Anything else?”

She handed him a bag. “This contains your gym uniform and your workshop uniform.” She smiled knowingly. She had known he was going to pick mechanics and he shouldn’t be surprised. If he had to say anything about Mrs. O’Neil was that she was good with her student and knew them well. “Now go, you have Chemistry first.” I got up and grabbed my schedule she had just printed out and my bag of clothes.

It wasn’t hard to find my Chemistry class but it was pretty far. It was on the other side of the school. He pushed the door open and took in the class.

It wasn’t big but it was mostly made up of girls. He almost sighed in relief when he saw Asher talking to a girl, and not just any girl, but the one that had the perfectly shaped ass.

Her hair was up in a messy bun that held hair of the most beautiful color, exactly like Asher’s. She was wearing a large black hoodie that looked like the one Asher wore last year. She was wearing tight jean but he remembered her wearing those earlier too. He liked the way they had cupped her ass.

“You must be Mr. Stone,” The teacher boomed. Zander leaned away.

“Yeah,” He rolled his eyes.

“Tell the class about yourself.” Classic and oh so temping to punch the stupid teacher’s teeth in. Zander took a deep breath and reminded himself the only reason he was getting to go to school is if he didn’t get into a fight.

“I’m a delinquent.” He said simply and the class went quiet for a spilt second then burst into talking. The girl looked him straight in the eye and glared, as if she hated his guts. “And my favorite color is grey. Now where do I sit?” the teacher had backed off a bit and motioned to the seat next to Asher and the girl, right between them to be exact.

Zander walked over and sat down and chest bumped Asher then turned to the girl.

Up close she was prettier. There was the slightest freckling across her nose and her eyes were so luminous like the moon. They were a beautiful grey.

“Hi, beautiful,” He gave her his heart stopping grin and he saw her fists clenched on the desk. He wasn’t sure if she wanted to slap him or touch him. Either way, he was getting a response.

“Hi, Zander,” her voice was nothing but a husky whisper that pulled you in. Making you want to hear what she had to say. She had to be a siren. Then he realized she said his name.

“Do I know you?” He asked and she rolled her eyes and looked at Asher.

“I told you he wouldn’t remember you.” Asher said. She huffed and crossed her arms. Zander was able to pick out the shape of her breasts. They were cuppable size, the perfect size for his large hands. “Would you stop staring at my sister’s breasts?”

Zander froze and looked up at her face. Her cheeks were flushed but looking into those eyes and back at Asher’s grey eyes he remembered who this was. “Amanda?”

She nodded and looked back at the board. He realized the entire time she had been taking notes.

“I remember you,” He exclaimed, almost yelling. “Your Asher’s twin nerdy sister, the one that used to follow us around all the time.” Everyone burst out laughing and it was too late to take back what he said or tune it down. Amanda’s cheeks went more than just flushed they went blotchy red. Tears swam in her eyes and she launched from her seat, she grabbed her stuff and bolted.

Zander looked back at Asher to see if he was mad but he was chuckling.

“You’re not mad?” he asked and Asher shook his head.

“No why would I be,” He laughed again. “This happens all the time.”

“She runs out of class?”

“Well, no,” His eye browns came down. “No Manda usually just sucks it up and does her work.” Asher gave him a strange look then went back to his work.

If Zander was honest with himself he’d admit that he hadn’t meant to hurt her but it was too funny not to laugh at. He probably should go after her.

But that required effort.

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