C6- ☆Outlandish☆

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Nao couldn't help it. She enjoyed Muzan's company so much that she made it a complete habit to sneak out atleast once or twice a week in order to see him. If possible, she wanted to see him everyday but with her current condition, she could not afford risking her health.

Muzan, much to her surprise, always seem to know when and where Nao is. This greatly puzzled her most of the time but her eagerness to see him would always overcome all the doubts forming inside her head.

Even though Nao knows that something is completely wrong with the situation, Nao could not help but indulge herself a little. Of course, Nao is still very much aware that Muzan is a demon but sometimes, just sometimes, she could not help but lower her guard down.

At some point, she realized that she has already started trusting Muzan despite him being a demon. Nao really liked his company even though they were different from each other. Nao also knows that she isn't in love with Muzan because what she's feeling deep inside her is a sense of companionship towards the male.

Giyuu and Nao had the same relationship afterall. They were very close to the point that everyone thinks they're lovers. But the truth is rather shallow, they really are just good friends who are very close to each other. Though they would occasionally hold hands and touch, there was nothing intimate about it.

And the Water Pillar has always been very antisocial to begin with which is why a lot of people assumes that something is going in between him and Nao.

What Nao has with Muzan is the same. She doesn't feel romantically towards Muzan. She likes Muzan as a person and love him as a friend. Ignoring the fact that he is a demon, Nao would probably understand him much better.

But Nao is somewhat scared of opening the topic. She fears that if he finds out she knows, their friendship would end. Muzan would probably kill her or disappear. Either of the two is a possibility that she didn't want to happen.

Nao still wants to be friends with Muzan. He always seem to know what makes her happy and what cheers her up. He is also a very good listener. Nao would always talk a lot of random things and he would listen attentively as he watched her. Simply being with him was enough to make her happy.

She enjoyed their leisurely strolls and conversation. Nao has only ever had such long conversation with Giyuu or her brother.

"Uwaaa! It's so pretty~ "

That and Nao seems to have a habit of letting herself get fooled.

"I'm glad that Nao-san likes it. I thought red would suit you the most."

There's a part of her, that rational side of her, that knows what Muzan is really capable of. Nao wants to believe that their friendship is real, that all the time they've spent together was real but...

"It makes me feel embarrassed to hear you say that! Hehe.. Gomene, I'm not used to receiving compliments."

...he is still a demon.

"Is that so? But Nao-san is really beautiful. Surely, Nao-san has been courted by a lot of people already."

Nao laughed as she slipped the hairpin on her hair, adoring how pretty the red flower design looked while it was adorned with gold embellishments.

"No... not really! It's Yui's job to turn them down before they reach me. Although a few that managed to reach me were completely weird and determined... The guards kicked them out before they could do anything else. "Nao explained.

"Besides, my brother has already picked a suitor for me. "Once the words left her mouth, Muzan suddenly went deadly quiet which greatly worried her.

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