C40: ☆Blank Space☆

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Nao doesn't talk. Not to Muzan or anyone. She remains completely silent and confined in her room without wanting to meet, see or hear anyone. After the revelations she discovered, she couldn't bring herself to be in the same room as anyone right now.

Nao betrayed her brother and her family. And all for one man, no--demon, who bewitched her into thinking that her existence mattered or that she was actually loved sincerely by another.

But it was all a lie and she was so, so naive for being so happy under this perfectly woven nightmare that disguised itself as a fairytale. But who was to blame? It was Nao. Because in the end, it was her own selfish decision that led her spiraling down this path filled with chaos and betrayal.

'So then.. that was really all just a lie.. Even his promise to walk under the sun with me. I would have been the happiest person if he told me he loved me but he was actually my ancestor and the Original Demon. This changes everything. '

It was time for Nao to leave. She would worry about how much time has passed after she escapes. Muzan would never allow it of course. Nao was a pawn to his game, a disposable piece he could use as a leverage against her brother.

But Nao knows her brother too much. He would sacrifice her if need be for the well-being of many. As head of the Ubuyashiki family and master of the Demon Slayer Corps, he'd do what was best for everyone.

He'd even sacrifice his own sister. He'd carry the burden, and he won't be happy but if it was for the future of many, he'd stay silent and endure it. Hd'd smile and command his children as if nothing happened because he was the leader and everyone was depending on him. He needn't show weakness.

Nao wiped her tears. Maybe it really was for the best that they became separated throughout the years. Her brother chose his own path on his own and embraced his responsibilities despite his weakening body. Meanwhile, Nao remained the same. She remained behind her brother, looking at him from far away as he gradually walks the path he chose.

She was left behind. Nao had questioned it for years, why he left her so easily like that and now she eventually realized that it was for the best. She needed to learn and adapt in a world without her brother..

Nao needed to grow into her own person without having to follow someone else and to choose a path on her own. She'd been so blind, so thirsty for company and salvation. Giyuu had come and even Himejima. Even Yui too.

But when Muzan came, Nao clung to him as if he was the only star in the sky and deluded herself into thinking that he was shining brighter than the rest because he was different. But Nao was too blinded to see that he was a fake, that he could never fulfill her dreams no matter how hard she wishes for it.

Muzan is a demon. That was a fact that would never change and she needed to get away.


"Akaza-dono. I have a favor. "Nao requested with a small smile on her face.

"Will you please take me outside the Dimensional Infinity Fortress?"

The pink haired demon narrowed his eyes.

"Muzan-sama has specifically ordered that you remain in your room while he is away doing his business. "

Ah. So Muzan is currently on leave, Nao concluded in her mind.

Nao expected this and took one of her hair ornament out of her hair.

"I am asking this favor because tomorrow is a special day."

"A special day?"

"Yes." Nao said in a happy tone, still smiling. "Muzan hasn't told you? That tomorrow is a special day because it's the day where the Blue Spider Lilies would bloom."

Akaza's eyes widened. He didn't seem to believe her but Nao was prepared for this.

"Of course they exist. The rest of you have been looking for it for hundreds of years already but what you don't realize is that no matter how much you look, you'd never obtain it. Akaza-dono, you see.." Nao began with a knowing look as she approached him.

"..they only bloom during the day. "

The Upper Moon demon was surprised. Never had he heard of this information before and if it was indeed true then all those times spent looking for it were nothing but fruitless labor because they could only search during the night.

To think that the mythical flower only blooms during the day, why is it that he didn't found out sooner? And this woman knew? How?

"You must be surprised. But what I said was true. Which is why I'm asking you a favor right now because I'm your only chance since this flower only blooms once a year and lasts upto three days. Please... take me outside, Akaza-dono. "Nao bowed her head, showing how determined she was as she ignored the growing feeling of discomfort in her chest for tricking someone who actually treated her just fine... even if they were a demon.

"Muzan-sama's orders were very specific and clear. You are to remain on your room." He told her though he was clearly bothered by the information she provided him.

"Akaza-dono.. if you are unable to take me outside right now, I will ask another for this favor. Muzan has been wanting to obtain this flower for centuries. I want to help him so please, please reconsider. "Nao said in an almost desperate tone, adding a few tears in her eyes to try and persuade the demon even more.

"You.." He obviously was uncomfortable at the fact that she was crying but Nao could use his discomfort to her advantage.

"Please.. I beg of you. For Muzan, I need your help." Nao cried even more desperately as she grabbed one of his hand, holding them between her two hands.

"Please, Akaza-dono. "

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