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((Notes:  1. All Dialogue in this story is in Russian unless stated otherwise. Any language understood by (Y/N) will be translated to English but otherwise, it will not be translated.

2. This is not historically accurate, some parts are based around history but much of it is not solid info.))

A young Russian woman made her way down the streets of the small town, waving to the occasional person who she walked by. Her features were soft, gentle. Holding a smile upon her face. Even in the freezing cold of winter, she did not fret nor shake at the temperatures that she was enduring. As she made her way outside the town, she sped up a bit, her footsteps placing themselves down and up quicker. Her mother was waiting for her at home. Years of genetic disease had worn the woman down to the point of her becoming bedridden, with only her daughter, (Y/N), left to look after her. With no children nor a living husband, the Russian lady had no real other obligation in her life, it was nice to have her mother around. Made her feel less lonely. Upon arrival at the small cottage, she pushed the oak door gently open with her free hand. Stepping inside her home, she walked forward, the wooden floorboards creaking under her feet as she did so. (Y/N) made her way to the small kitchen and placed down the paper bag of groceries that she had been held in her arms, she was quick to begin removing items from the bag, placing them in the spots they were assigned. As she finished, she heard her mother mumble and the wooden floorboards groan loudly, she called out, "I'll be there in a moment, mama!" quickly, she placed the last item, a loaf of bread, onto the counter before speedily moving towards the bedroom. The woman entered the room and went to her mother's side, quick to pull the blanket back over her, "You'll freeze to death if you sleep without it..." she mumbled softly. She lightly pressed her hand against the older lady's face, smiling gently. Even if her mother did not return the smile. (Y/N) slightly trembled to feel a cold wind upon the back of her neck, she glanced behind her and saw that the window was open. "Mama...you can't leave the window open, don't you realise that...?" she said, shaking her head. As she walked over and put her hands on the window, a loud noise began to blare in the ears of the two women. The loud noise was none other than that of a siren. Neither had ever heard nor expected to hear such a noise. Sure, the war going on was of concern but the soviet union should've been completely safe, hadn't they made a treaty with Germany? (Y/N) felt her throat and chest tighten, but she just closed the window and ran back to her mother, "It has to be just a test siren, it has to be, right?" she questioned her mother, hoping for some sort of guidance or comfort. Yet her mother just stared, whispering. "I never expected..." Her voice seemed so hopeless, empty, sad as if this was the end all be all. Her daughter shook violently. She needed to move her mother away from here but... how could she? The woman could barely sit up! Her senses were overwhelmed. Mind spinning.





It took a hand against her cheek for the Russian to snap back to reality, the other woman stared up at her daughter. A few tears slipping down her cold cheeks, "I'm so sorry, my dear..." she mumbled. "I never wanted you to die so early on in your life yet, here we are." her words shattered (Y/N)'s heart. She couldn't just... No! She wouldn't give up, in a moment of pure adrenaline and distress, energy pumped in her body. The woman stood and bolted out of the room, she grabbed a hammer from under the sink and nails. She then proceeded to rip one of the floorboards up, then another three more. How did she do this? The wood was weak and brittle, making it easy to break. The only reason it didn't break often was because of the small woman being the only one about the house. There was none else to come to the house and make it deteriorate. Either way, she practically threw herself across the room, almost tripping over a few times as she ran to the door. She began to board it the door up, holding the piece of wood against it and hammering nails in. The voice of her mother and the blaring of sirens felt distant, she was too focused on survival. She had to try. After boarding up the door, she moved back to the room and slipped her arms under the body of the old woman. Being old and small had its advantages to the daughter, including now. Her mother was trying to speak to (Y/N), questioning what she was thinking but, that's the thing. She wasn't. Purely acting on instinct. All the woman did was pick the body of her mother up and scurried out of the bedroom and to the door that led to their basement. She flung it open and hurtled herself and her mother down the stairs. The cold room chilled her right down to the bone but, she had to be here. It was safer than up in the main house. Once at the bottom of the stairs, (Y/N) looked around the room and spotted some blankets on the ground along with some pillows. She moved towards the area and slowly laid her mother down. After this, she took the fluffy coat she was wearing and placed it upon her mother. The white long sleeve smocked blouse and skirt really did not cut it in winter without the coat. Still, the young woman wouldn't let this stop her. "I'll be back, mama," she muttered, her eyes darting about. Her mother slowly nodded. Letting go of her daughter's arm and watching her run back up the stairs. Then after what felt like a few seconds, the woman appeared at the top of the stairs. Closing the basement door and locking it before making her way back to her mother. She sat beside her and began to organise a temporary bed with blankets and pillows that were there. It would have to do for now. She looked back to the older woman who had been just staring at the ceiling, still looking quite hopeless. "Mama, we aren't going to die." (Y/N) spoke, gripping the bottom of her skirt. Her eyes were on her mother, where was her guidance? The comforting she often did with (Y/N) as a child, was that gone? She remembered when the woman would hold her daughter close and sing to her. What happened to that caring woman she once knew? The slender woman shifted over to her mother and clung tightly onto her side. Neither wanted their demise to occur, especially (Y/N), she hadn't gotten much out of life yet. It was only a few months from her 20th birthday. Other than a few childhood crushes, she hadn't even experienced the passion and exhilaration of true love. The only one who had held real significance in the girl's life was the one she was currently clutching onto for dear life. Said woman, looked down upon her daughter's lean body, watching her shake and shiver. Using the energy she had left, the mother moved her arm and wrapped it around (Y/N)'s trembling form. Embracing as her tightly as she could be able to manage. "I love you, my dearest." Her mother muttered emotionally. At this, everything was loud. The house above them jerking one way and another as planes flew above the town that the two had loved so dearly. (Y/N) buried herself into her mother's clothing to shield her ears from the loud explosions and screaming she could hear. All the old woman did was watch her daughter, this had been her responsibility. Yet, she was going to be the cause of both of their demises.

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