#4: Fate

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Demir wondered why it's taking so long. The doctor had gone in to check on Selin and should be out by now. Vedat had arrested the drunk driver and has gone back to the station. Sitting alone by the isle, he tried to curb his raging thoughts, but those doubts never ceased. 

He remembered seeing her waving at him - the lovely 12-year old girl with her dark hair in braids. Her laughter is like a ray of sunshine. They were playing chess under the big tree in the garden. Closing his eyes, he could hear the devastating news broadcast that changed his life 20 years ago. A bus bound for Sinop has crashed into an oncoming truck, exploding into a fiery inferno - killing every passenger on board, young and old. He could see the guilt and defeat in Altinkaya's eyes. He wished he had never heard the news at all. 

Selin is dead, he thought. She's long gone. Don't mess things up now. He wiped the tears that welled up in his eyes. The thought of his best friend being trapped in the bus and burned alive was too much. Taking a deep breath, Demir calmed down and pulled himself together. An agonizing minute later, the doctor emerged from the ward. 

"Doktor Bey," Demir said. "How is she?"

"Selin Hanım gayet iyi," the doctor said. "She just fainted from shock and needs a bit of rest. There are some minor scratches but it's nothing serious. She can discharge anytime soon."

Demir let out a sigh of relief. "Çok şükür," he said. "Sağol doktor bey. Can I see her now?"

"Tabi ki," the doctor nodded. "Buyrun Meymur Bey."

Demir thanked the doctor once more and pushed the heavy door open. For a split second, Demir felt his heart pounding against his chest. A million doubts raced through his mind. 

Napiyorsun Demir?  He thought. You should leave. The doctor said she's fine. What is this feeling? Kendine gel!

"Just let me see her," he whispered. "Just this time."

Taking a deep breath, Demir pushed his thoughts aside and stepped into the room. The door closed behind him with a heavy click. Selin turned at the sound of his footsteps. For a moment, both of them said nothing. Demir found himself at a loss for words. It took him a few seconds to process the moment his eyes met hers. A heavy sense of deja vu loomed over his head. Lying awake on the hospital bed, Selin Sever had that inner wiry determination and clarity in her eyes. Even in her vulnerable state, Selin looked even more beautiful than she is in those magazine covers.

"Geçmiş olsun, Selin Hanım."

"Sağol," she said, her voice soft. "The doctor told me that a police officer had brought me here. Sen galiba." Eyeing Demir, Selin could tell he is not an ordinary officer. He was tall, broad and roguishly handsome. Clad in a simple jacket and khaki pants, the man had an undeniable attractiveness to him. He is probably a başkomiser, she thought.

"Evet," he paused. "I was there when it happened. The person who crashed your car was drunk. Typical DUI. You can go home once you're feeling okay."

A small smile crept onto her face. Finally, someone who talked to me like a fellow human being, she thought. Not some kind of goddess or idol. "Teşekkür ederim."

"Rica ederim," he paused. He felt her soft gaze on him as he averted his eyes from her beautiful face. His gaze fell onto the bracelet on her wrist. Although it was obviously worn, it was identical to the one he had. Impossible, he thought. Pulling his thoughts together, he cleared his throat. "Your car will be sent to the Kadiköy Mercedes service outlet for a thorough repair. Until then, it may take quite some time before you can get your car back. Do you have any alternative mode of transport?"

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