#12: Reconciliation

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Eylül knew what was coming when she received that phone call from Levent. Reaching for the vintage letter opener on her desk, she tucked it into her belt. She had rehearsed this scenario for a million times in her head - each time hoping she'd never have to use it. Putting on her cashmere topcoat, she made her way towards her car.

She'd never expect to be ambushed just mere moments after she leaves the house, followed by a scream that might be hers. Taking hold of her petite frame, Levent's men pulled the sharp object from her belt and slashed it hard across her throat. For an instant, the miniature dagger glimmered in the moonlight. As she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness, Eylül knew it will be the last light she would ever see. 

Standing across the road, the advisor smiled as he watched his plan accomplished in clockwork-like precision. Reaching for his mobile, he dialled Levent's number.

"It is done." 


Demir had been putting himself through a familiar hell. News of Eylül's death came unexpectedly - the police had found her body in front of her own house, lying in a pool of her own blood with her throat slit open. The press said it was a robbery gone wrong - but Demir knew it was something else. Something even more sinister. Altinkaya had thought the same. 

It has been two weeks since he'd last saw Selin. Demir could never forgive himself for walking away from her that night. I should have stayed, he thought. I should have explained myself. Now, there's nothing left to be explained. His chest burned in pain as his guilt grew in every passing minute. Nevertheless, he knew he had to do it. Using lunch as a pretext,  Demir reached out to Vedat and the retired director of the Istanbul Police Force. When Demir arrived at the restaurant by the Bosphorus, Vedat could tell that Demir hadn't slept well.

"Iyi misin?" 

Demir gave Vedat an exhausted look, with dark circles around his bloodshot eyes. "Been to hell and back."

Giving his best friend a gentle pat on the back, Vedat ushered Demir to his seat as the waiter served them food. Altinkaya sat down with the young men, mentally prepared for what he is about to say. 

"Demir," he began. "Are you sure you can go on with Operation Cheetah? It seems like you have been rather...distracted these days."

Letting out a heavy sigh, Demir nodded slowly. "Haklısınız," he said tiredly. "I was distracted. Kusura bakma. But I will work on it - I've got all the help I need."

Sipping his tea, Altinkaya weighed his options. Demir's words just confirmed his suspicions - and now he must find a way to get Demir back on track. Vedat gave the retired director a reassuring look. "Tamam," he said calmly. "Vedat, you will continue to assist Demir in this."

"Tamam Ekrem Bey," Vedat said. "By all means."

After lunch, Demir stood on the edge of the waterfront as Vedat left for work. Handing Demir a coffee, Altinkaya gave his younger accomplice a concerned look. "I've never told you about it before," he said. "Nasıl biliyorsunuz?"

"About two weeks ago," Demir said. "He called me - saying he wanted to discuss Operation Cheetah. He said you told him about it. I told him a lie - he shouldn't know anything else."

"And Selin?"

"I left her," Demir said. "This is the only way I can protect her from him."

Studying the sadness in Demir's eyes, Altinkaya nodded. His heart ached for the young man, but he knew he had no other choice until Operation Cheetah is solved. Altinkaya marvelled at Vedat's craftiness - but he was even more impressed by Demir's calibre. He wondered if the death of Eylül Gündüzeli had anything to do with the young police officer. He could imagine the shock on Director Fikret's face if he discovers that there was a mole in his police force - working for the most wanted criminal in all of Istanbul.

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