#9: Shadows Of The Past

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Ibo could imagine the disappointed look on Demir's face as he recounted the events that happened on the night before. After hanging up the call, he sat alone in the cold kitchen of the restaurant - his mind reeling back to the conversation he had with a certain woman. 

Eylül Gündüzeli - Finance Director of Sever Group. 

She was the epitome of Turkish beauty - a tall, willowy brunette with emerald green eyes. She has an aura of strength and determination - her clear, solid voice is so powerful, and almost ruthless - that it would have broken all the bones that got in her way. When she first introduced herself, Ibo had found it hard to imagine that a woman like her would ever get into trouble...let alone being held hostage at gunpoint.

The woman who broke Demir's heart...is her.

Ibo had never felt more intimidated in his entire life as he watched her taste the first bite of his signature dish. As he explained the concept behind the dish, he could feel her emerald eyes slicing right through his entire soul.

"Impressive, çok güzel," she nodded slowly. "Harika. You are new here, değil mi?"

"Evet," he said. "I started working here not too long ago."

She nodded. "May I know which culinary training are you from? Cordon Bleu?"

Ibo wasn't expecting that question. "Aslında," he said, hanging his head low. "It was my father who taught me how to cook."

Eylül leaned forward. "So you're saying that you've no formal experience with fine dining at all?"

Ibo knew he had nowhere to run. "Evet, maalesef."

A small smile crept onto the finance director's face. "Your father taught you very well," she said. 

"Teşekkür ederim, Eylül Hanım," he said.

"Selin Hanım speaks highly of you, and now I know why," she said. "But I'm curious. Please do not take it as an offence, ama it's very unusual for Selin to hire someone without formal training."

Ibo found himself at a loss for words. "Selin told me about your circumstances - and I've understood her intentions," Eylül continued. "But I'm here not to interrogate you. I want to ask you for a favour."

Ibo nodded. He knew where this conversation is going. Taking a deep breath, he spoke. "Söyle, Eylül Hanım."

Eylül smiled softly, her emerald eyes sparkling with hope. "Do you know a man named Demir Erendil?"


Selin could tell Demir was disturbed by the call he took earlier that morning. Nevertheless, she refrained herself from asking him about it. After breakfast, they visited the fortress by the sea. As they made it to the top, they stood in awe of the view - the town surrounded by the Karadeniz, an endless canvas stretching way beyond the horizon. It was magnificent. They stood in silence for a long while before he slowly spoke. 

"Selin," he said. "Biz..."

She gazed into his deep eyes. There was a hint of regret flickering in those gorgeous shades of honey. Her mind reeled back to the passionate kisses they shared just moments ago...the burning desire in his eyes, the way he made her feel. She'd heard from Azmiye how men who gave in too early when they were not actually ready to start a relationship. Maybe you're one of them after all, Demir Erendil, she thought. Maybe it's the alcohol...and it was never anything else. Slowly, she gave him a slight nod. "Anladim," she said, her voice calm. "Biz...sadece arkadaşız. We're just friends."

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