Not really a chapter, just a little extra thing I wanted to do in honor of Halloween.
Slash: "Oh, what am I supposed to be? A zombie. Can't you tell by the bloody, torn up, white tank top?"Interviewer : "Wow well you look great Slash. Now tell us, what's you're favorite thing about Halloween?"
Slash: "I can be who ever or what ever I want to be. Leave my life and all its problems behind for the night..."
Interviewer: "Halloween! Ooo! Speaking of mysterious things, what is going on with you and Erin? We haven't seen her around too much lately."Axl: Fuck this interview. Fuck you. And..and..and fuck this chair. *flips chair walks off stage.*
Interviewer: "Izzy, the quiet mystery of the band. I'm sure you have some tricks up your sleeve for this Halloween huh?"Izzy: "Yeah definitely. I plan on being a drug-dealing, rythym guitarist, in a 80's band, with shaggy hair. I don't know, I just really feel like I could fit the part."
Duff: "Well Halloween isn't really my thing. I'm more of a Christmas guy. You know, opening up presents and all that junk."Steven-
Interviewer: "Wow Steven! Looks like you're already in costume, how nice! Want to tell us a but about it?"Steven: "Yeah I mean why not! Well this big "S" on the front stands for super man. This big thing back here is my cape! Pretty cool huh? The nice old lady at the costume place helped me put it together."
Alex P.O.V.-
This magazine only made me miss the boys even more. Slash was right though, tonight I was choosing to leave my problems behind in the form of a vampire.
AN: guys I know its not that great but I just wanted to do something quick and easy for Halloween.
RandomAlex and Saul Hudson were child hood best friends but what happens when she moves and runs into him again years later?