Chapter 1 / W-What?

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I yelled as I swung threw New York. Who am I? I'm your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man,or some people call me Peter Rogers. Today I was called into action cause my old "friend" Deadpool have been starting well shit. I swung, with my two "dads" following me. Dads= Iron Man/Anthony Stark, Captain America/Steven Rogers. I missed Aunt May, she moved away and I couldn't go cause she had to move cause I kept putting her in danger. I was too young to be left alone so Fury got the two closeted Superheroes to take me in.The first year was pretty hard, cause neither of them have been teenagers in a couple decades. They always tried to set me up with a bunch of their superheroes nieces or cousins, but I think I might like guys. I mean it should be easy for me to come out to them, but when I ever try I change it into a joke cause I'm scared.I don't know. Tony grabbed me. "Hey What are you doing?" I asked. "He's two blocks back, Peter." Thank God for this mask, He couldn't see me blush. "Oh, I know. I was going to get him from the back." Tony laughed like a hyena. My face felt hot. "JARVIS you got that recorded right?" He said to the computer. "Of course, sir." Tony throws me. I try to web to something. Cap caught me. "I gotcha." He put me down. Deadpool stood there with a gun to some guys head. I stepped towards him. "Not another step Spidey." He said. I put my hands up. "Okay, Well Deadpool. How bout we go get food, and you let this man go?" I asked. "Pe- Spider-Man you have that thing with Little M." Captain said talking about Mary Jane, We were going out. I didn't have a choice. "I can blow her off," I said and turned to face my dad. He shook his head and looked at Deadpool. "Umm you guys, my arm hurts. So either I shoot or I get paid." Deadpool said. Tony walks over. "How much?" "Hmmm Let me think Mister Money Bags." he tapped his gun against his head. "I'll settle with 2k and dinner." I smiled. "Can you call MJ and reschedule, JARVIS?" "Yes, Pete." He said. I smiled. Dad(that's what i call Tony, Steve is Cap or Captain.) passed over 2k and was passed the guy. "Come on Mr. Spider." I waved to my dads and followed Wade with my backpack. "So Where we going, Pete?" "How about your place?" "Oh frisky Spidey, I like." I rolled my eyes. "My d- Iron Man can bug anywhere, He has a rule about giving mercenary's privacy. And after this meal that privacy will be gone. Maybe?" I rambled. " Who web boy, Calm down it was joke." He lead me to a bike. "I call it the deadcycle." That made me fell nervous. "Don't worry, Parke-" I cut him off. "It's Rogers now." "Oh yeah, your two daddies. I bet Robert wan't happy about that, That cheeky writer." "What? Whose Robert? And writer?" I asked. He laughed and put a helmet on me. He didn't have one on well cause he didn't need it.
He got off the bike. I followed him up some stairs. I took my mask off. "Where's your bathroom, Wade?" I asked as we walked into the messy apartment."Oh the last door." I nodded. I opened the door, he had a weirdly clean bathroom. I took off my suit and put on some jeans and a basic shirt that was cut up, from jumping around and trying to fight Black Widow without my suit. I walked out. I sat on the couch with Wade. He was shirtless, mask less and a beer in his hand. "So what are we doing for dinner?" He asked and burped. I cringed a bit. "Pizza?" I ask. He nods. He digs in his pouches. He passes me $40. "Call some where." He was watching women wrestling. I rolled my eyes and order some Pizza, I sat on the balcony. Thinking. "Hey Pete." Deadpool, ran his hand through his hair as his legs shake a bit. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He squealed and ran inside. "Okay then." I said. I played with my web shooters."Peter." I jumped and shot a web. "Oh are you trying to escape or are you just happy to see me?" He asked. I blushed. "Y-You scared me." I stood up. He lead me inside. He cleaned up. "I like what you did with the place." I smirk. He was smiling as he stared at me. "Wade. WADE!" He jumped. "What?" He asked with his jaw slack. "You were staring at me." He laughs. "No I wasn't." He laughed. "Yea you were." I said. He shakes his head "Nope." I was speechless. "W- yes you were." I said defensively. He just laughed and shook his head no. I sighed. "Your crazy." I said. He shrugs. His doorbell rung. "Ooo Pizza!" he squealed and jumped around like a small child. I sigh. "I'll go get it." I said and grabbed the money. I walked downstairs to the front door. I paid the pizza guy and went back up. Wade had the door open and was hopping around. "YAAAAAAY!" He was dancing around. I couldn't help but smile. I opened the box. I got just regular cheese. He groaned and dropped to the floor. "Peter you got the boringness Pizza ever." he kicked his feet and had a temper tantrum on the floor. I laughed and ate the pizza. After a couple minutes he stood up and ate the pizza like nothing happened. My phone was buzzing in my pocket. I grabbed it. It was Mary Jane. I sigh. "I need to take this." I said and left to the balcony again. I answered it. "Hey MJ." "Tiger What the hell? You blew me off?" I smiled at her pet name. "I'm sorry MJ. Did JARVIS reschedule with you?" "Yes your daddy's machine made sure we were all sorted out. I'm still mad at you Pete. We were going to go car shopping." Mary Jane whined. "When when are we scheduled?" "Thursday. You better not ditch me to play with your little mercenary buddy." "He told you about Deadpool?" I asked. "Well one of your daddies did. I'm not allowed to say which one. I should let you finish your little date. See you Tiger." She hung up before I could say it wasn't a date. I put my phone away and walked back in. Deadpool was stuffing his face. I rolled my eyes and grabbed another piece. My phone was going off again. "Mr. Popular." Wade laughed and sat on the counter. I grabbed it. It was Captain. I answered it without leaving this time. "Hey." I said. "Where are you? When are you coming home? Are you okay?" He rambled. "Im fine, we are just eating pizza at his place. I'll be home in a couple hours. Don't worry. I could take Deadpool." I said that a bit louder so he would hear. He laughed hysterically. "Don't do anything dumb, Peter. If you die I will kill you." I chuckled. "I know. Okay bye love you." "Love you too Peter." He hung up. "You couldn't take me." Deadpool said. I just shrugged. I walked to the door. He kept telling me. I would lose. "What ever you say Wade. Text me." I said and walked out. "Hey Dad, Wanna pick me up at the Starbucks by the bugle?" "Yea sure Peter. I'll be there in ten." "Oh okay. " Wade lived close to the bugle. I walked in the Starbucks and ordered a drink. Every knew captain America adopted me, so I was getting hit on by a lot of girls. I saw my Dads car pull up. I quickly got in. We started home. "So how was it?" "Good." "Really you had a good time with Deadpool?" I nodded. He sighs and shrugs. My phone buzzed. "Who's that?" he asked. It was Wade. "Oh MJ, She's chewing me out for bailing." He nods.
WWW: Hey web boy
Me: What's up Death of pools?
We got home and my phone buzzed again.
WWW: Laying on my bed. Throwing darts
Me: on the roof? Or a wall?
I threw my bag in my bed. "Peter are you home?" Captain yelled. "Yes!" I yelled.
WWW: roof. I got one on my forehead.
Me: ouch
"Who you texting?" Captain was standing there leaning on one leg. "No one special." I said and sat up. "So who was that guy?" I asked. "Some crupted cop. He had a lot of dirt on Deadpool." I nodded. "Explains why he'd kill him." I scratch at my hand. Bad nervous habit. "Peter stop that." I stopped scratching. "Me and Tony are going to-" he stopped to think. I felt my pizza slowly test my thoart. "Gross, Just keep it down." I pushed him out of my room. I laid on my bed.
WWW: I heal.
Me: I know. All the times I tried to hurt you. You always healed.
WWW: Always.
I looked at the word. I could hear him say it in his high voice. Then it changing deep. I shook my head.
Me: I wish I could heal fast.
WWW: It's not as fun as you'd think
Me: how you could do anything and never die
WWW: Yea, I never die. Wolverine will never die either. We've both seen and done a lot in our time here on earth.
Me: I like when you get all soulful
As soon as I sent it. I wanted to throw my phone. You don't say that to a bro. Ugh.
WWW: Well I don't think I have a soul and I need to get all this gunk out. So wanna go out and get drunk?
Me: I'm 17. It's not legal. I can barely drive.
WWW: wow I remember being 17. I'm going to go for a bit. TTYL
Me: Okay Don't make crime.
WWW: I like the attention I Get from a bug themed boy in his pajamas
Me: spiders aren't bugs.
Wait he liked my attention? Pajamas? My suit was made of spandex, and some metal stuff, Dad made. I waited for him to answer. I was hanging from the roof. "PETER!!" Tony yelled. I got down and walked towards his voice, which was the balcony. He was by his helicopter landing space. "Where's your helicopter?" I asked. He grabbed me and flew up. I saw a big red 'I.O.U' with Deadpool's mask pained on the landing. He puts me down. "Do you have his number? I'm going to tear him a new one." He was mad and kept rambling on. "CAPTAIN!" I yelled. He came out in a towel. "He's getting flustered." I said and have walked inside. I grabbed a bottle of water and walked to my room. I laid on my back. It was quiet except for Tony screaming about Deadpool. I couldn't help myself think about Wade. He was perfect, except for the whole
mercenary thing. I jumped at the gun shot. I was always jumpy around guns since I got shot once. I never say Tony cry before or after that, and it was kinda scary cause I couldn't stop crying when he was. I sat and waited for either Steve to "swear" (he swears like an 90 year old man) or Tony to curse like a sailor. My phone buzzed. I fell off my bed. "Fuck." I mumble. I grab the iPhone.
WWW: Your daddy shot me.
Me: Are you still here?
WWW: No. I'm almost home. Why?
Me: oh just wondering.
WWW: hey spidey we should do night patrol tonight. I'll bring tacos.
I got up and went to the living room. "Hey Pete." Cap said. I smiled. "Is it cool if I go out and do night patrol tonight?" "By yourself?" I nod. They looked at each other and talked with their eyes. Wade kept texting me. He was making fun of me for having to ask. "Be home by 3, and yes." Tony said. Steve nodded. "Okay I'm going to load up the web shooters and have a shower." They nod and go back to cuddling and watching tv. I quickly showered. I got out and blow dried my hair. I brushed my teeth. Wade kept texting like an 8 year old.
Me: Where should we meet?
I got in my suit and loaded my belt with webs. I put in some webs in my wrist shooters.
WWW: that building with all the tvs
Me: okay I'm leaving so I'll be there in ten.
WWW: okay see you Web boy.
I put my phone in my backpack. I had extra clothes, some money, and shoes. "I'm off!" I yelled to my dads. I jumped off Stark tower. I loved free falling. I caught myself. I quickly got to Time Square. I saw Wade. "Wow that was fast." He laughed. The sun was down and people were on their way home.
We sat around for such a long time. My Spidey senses jumped. I stood up. I looked down in the alley. There was this guy trying to rob this family. I jumped down and caught myself again. Wade was climbing down. I grabbed his guy with my web. "Sorry to interrupt, but I-" Wade jumped down in front of me. "Team Red." He punched the guy in the jaw. The family ran. "Sorry to interrupt your little dialogue." Wade climbed back up. I climbed up, after I tied the guy up in a net. It was a quiet night. 2:30 quickly came. "So Peter, I think we're done for the night." I stood up. He copied me. He grabbed my arm gently. "W-What are you doing?" I didn't mean to stutter. I just could barely function. "I was thinking we go to my place and I don't know watch something." I could feel his breath through both masks. He was so close to my face. He lifted his mask off. I looked at his eyes and mouth. He smirked. "Race you!" He jumped. I caught him before he splatter on the pavement. He got on his bike. Oh he's seriously racing me. I quickly swung.
I did a flip and landed on his porce. He was walking up. "Your a show off Peter." I laughed and took my mask off. We walked inside. I put on a hoodie. "Are you cold?" He asked. I nodded. He runs off. I sit on his couch. I turn on the tv. He came back and passed me some fluffy pajama pants. "Oh." I said. "You can use them." He jumped on the couch. I put them on over my tights. They were nice and warm. I could feel Deadpool's body heat he was so close. My eyes felt heavy and kept slipping. I leaned against Wade and fell asleep.

Wade's POV
Peter was asleep on my arm and I had to pee. I carefully sat him up. I got up and he fell.
(Nice one Wade)
[Well you tried go to the bathroom before I make you piss on the floor]
I quickly went to the bathroom. I peed and washed my hands. I fixed my hair. I walked back to the living room. Peter was on his back, eyes shut, his chest raising and falling slowly. I smiled.
[aww Wade likes him]
My face felt warm. "Shut up." I whined.
(Yep look at his red face. All blushy. Wade and Spidey sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G)
"I hate you two." I mumble. Peters phone rang. He quickly sat up. I jumped it was like a mummy coming alive. He grabbed it. "Hello?" He said. "Oh sorry, I Uhhh lost track of time. Yep I'll be right there. No I don't need him to pick me up. I'm a- okay yea see you." He looked to me. He smiled.
[Wade your legs are shaking. He only smiled at you. Come on. Hard to get.]
I stood up straight. He took off the pajama pants. I couldn't help but look at his bum clothed in spandex.
(He does have a cute bum)
I sighed. He put on jeans. "I gotta go," I nod. I follow him to the door. I didn't want him to go but he had to. I touched his arm.
[Say something clever.]
"So ever notice how hearts look like butts." I mentally slapped myself and so did the yellow and white boxes. He chuckled. "Yea some guy really liked his wife's but and made it a national sign." He smiled. I nodded. "Okay see you Wade." He waved as Tony pulled up. I waved to him. He just drove away.
(Super Daddy is not a fan)
[We could change that, one, two, one, two, three, four]
They started to sing some song. "Oh god, No you guys are the worst singers." I said and closed my door.

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