
Me: Forgotten all that I know
Those years of holding you close
Me: Damn that feels like a quick forever. Where'd all my confidence go?
Me: I fall apart at, "Hello"
Whenever I meet someone, that's better
Me: Been 6 months without you
I loved and I cursed you
Me: Though that it feels wrong
Cried more than I want to
Me: But hey, what can I do
If finding me the one
Is taking me too long?
Max: So, tonight I wanna fall in love
Fall in love with a stranger
Harvey: And if they go break my heart
Then I'll just fix it later
Me: I'm only here for the rush
I don't need no disclaimer
Tonight I wanna fall in love
Fall in love with a stranger
Me: I love this song
Dobby: I like it. What about you guys Max and Harvey?
Max: oh yeah I love it considering me and Harvey wrote it.
Harvey: Amazing song we did
Me: also gets stuck in your head quickly.
Dylan: hey guys
Me: hey
Max: sup
Harvey: What's up
Dobby: hi
Dylan: Tina your a Millies
Me: yeah I had a feeling I knew you guys were when you said your names.
Dobby: oh nice
Me: yeah. You guess want to play a round of truth or dare?
Max: yeah
Harvey: sure
Dobby: why not
Dylan: okay
Me: Harvey truth or dare 😈😂
Harvey: dare
Me: I dare you to eat max's bacon bits 😂😂
Max: Harvey kitt mills don't you dare eat my bacon bits
Me: he has too max
Max: fine but get ready for payback
Me: bring. It. On. Mills
Max: it's. On.
Harvey: oh okay lovebirds get a room. My turn. Dylan truth or dare?
Dylan: truth
Harvey: so you like touring with me and Max?
Dylan: yeah. Dobby truth or dare
Dobby: dare
Dylan: I dare you to lick Max's shoe
Dobby: okay
Me: you guys are hanging out with out me. I feel offended 😂😂😂
Max: we would of but we don't know where you live
Me: Berkshire
Dobby: Max truth or dare
Max: truth
Dobby: do you like Tina?
Max: ummmmm
Me: that's a yes considering your blushing
Max: how do you know
Me: look up

Max's pov

I look up to see Tina standing in front of us smirking. I can't help but stare at Tina. She is more gorgeous in person.

"You guys are hanging out without me" she says without trying to laugh.

"Your trying your best not to laugh and failing" I point out.

"Damn is it that obvious" Tina says laughing. Even laugh sound amazing.

"I got to go guys but messages you guys tomorrow" Tina says.

We all says bye after she leaves.

"Ooooooo Max has a crush on Tina" Harvey says pointing out the obvious.

"Tina I have this massive crush on you so much" Dylan teases me. It was hard not to laugh at that.

"She doesnt like me back so let's change the topic guys" I say with a hint of sadness in my voice.

falling in love with a stanger  (Max and Harvey Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now