Tina's pov

Me and Harvey decide to walk though the park on the way back. When we walk though we saw two people making out but when I looked closer I saw it was Max and some girl I don't know who it is but it hurts like hell when I saw that.

I ran off out of the park and into the woods to my favourite place. It's where I go to clear my head from everything that happened. No one knows about it.

I decide to put Falling on by Why Dont We (one of my favourite songs by WDW) and start singing the lyrics.

"Can't you see im falling, falling for you" I sing quietly.

"Damn. What song you singing?" I hear Harvey ask.

"Falling by Why Dont We" I say while tears are falling down my face.

"Oh nice. I know Those guys. They're cool guys." He tells me.

"cool." That's all I say.

"Hey its his fault not yours" Harvey try to convince me but its not helping at all.

"Harvey thanks for trying but i think I should be alone" I say trying to keep myself from crying even more then what i am.

"Hang on I got something that might cheer you up" He tells me what ever it is can't be as bad as Max Kissing another girl after he said he liked me.

Harvey started to call someone. On the second ring they pick up. I can't see who he was talking to but who ever it is sounds familiar from somewhere.

"Seriously he did that?" The other person on the end of the face call.

"Yeah" Harvey replies

"So your saying your brother kissed another girl after he said he liked someone to their face? And that she's a limelight?" They ask.

"Yep and yep" Harvey says back to the other guy. "Hang on I will give the phone to her and she called Tina" Harvey hands me the phone and I see Zach Freaking Dean Herron on Harvey's phone screen.

Tina Zach Harvey WDW boys

Umm hi zach
Hey I heard about what happened with Max
Oh you did
Yeah and don't get mad at Harvey he was only trying to help you know
Thanks Zach
Plus how you you know unless. For fudge sake Harvey why did you have to tell Zach I'm a Limelight.
Any way Thanks.
D: Yo zach who you talking to?
A limelight that Harvey though would like cheering up.
C: Yo let's meet the limelight then
Seriously you guys want to meet me.
Jack: why wouldn't we
Because I like horrible because OF SOMEONE'S TWIN
Not my fault
I know yeez clam down
Jonah: wait Harvey Mills?
Jonah: Yo Harvey what's up
Just max being a idiot but what's new
Jonah: Damn what's did he do
Everything. I'm gonna go but you guys talk
Everyone: bye

I walk off back out of the woods when I see Max Kissing the same girl again. This time instead of running of I walked straight pass them. The girl gave me a real dirty look so I gave her a even dirtier one back and went back to the mills' house.

falling in love with a stanger  (Max and Harvey Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now