Chapter 1-Moving day

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~•Your POV•~
I was in back in my (h/t) sat on your bed with tears in the corners of my eyes. I didn't know if I was ready to leave; this was where I made my first video, where I revised for so many years, cried over silly things that do not matter one bit to me now and so much more. But now it was practically empty besides for a few boxes at the threshold of the room and the white bed frame with a mattress on it, I had sold most my other stuff because I didn't want to bring bad memories to London with me. I had chosen to go to London because there would be more opportunities, more people to work with plus my friends like Alex, Zoey and Alfie were there and that it was far away from the people who had hurt her here. By this point the tears were streaming down my face. Just thinking about moving from this spot became impossible let alone going in a car and leave this room from now on.
*Ring Ring *
It was Alex so I tried my best to stop crying before he would notice.
"Hey y/n! Have you left yet?" Alex exclaimed. He was so excited for me to move in with him since George had gotten his house two months ago leaving him all alone. I had only ever spoken to Alex and Will, even though it was only over dm when it came to Will after I had commented on one of Alex's posts but he seemed nice.
"I should be on the road in like ten minutes, then it should only be two hours then you're stuck with me for a while." I joked trying to make sure he couldn't tell that I was upset from my voice. It was one of his many talents, he could always tell how I felt from my voice. When I was going to tell him where I was going to move to for school or when my horrible boyfriend, whom he completely he despised, had cheated on me with three girls in two weeks. Sometimes I felt like he was secretly stalking me or something by how much he could guess but that was silly, he just cared about me a lot.
"Okay well promise you won't be as sad once you get here." He seemed concerned, but I just felt sad leaving my family, friends and so many memories behind. Like when I hit 1 million subscribers, it had been my dream to do youtube since I was 14.
"I promise, now I have to get on the road so bye." I told him dragging out the 'y' to annoy him before I hung up the phone.
"Honey it is time to go," my mum mentioned with tears in her eyes, a smile on her face and the last box in her hand. Before I could respond she left with me following a few seconds behind her. Although it was sad to go so far away, I was so ready to get going to London.
~•Time Skip•~
We had arrived a little early, but I was finally here outside the new flat I would be sharing with Alex for a while. I used the lift to take the boxes with light stuff inside them.
"Y/n!!!!" Alex screamed, he threw the boxes out my hand and pulled me into a tight hug it instantly brought a massive smile to my face.
"Well, you are happy to see me then," I chuckled
"Of course let's get you moved in." Alex said taking the boxes off of floor. The time flew by because I didn't have that much stuff.
"Now that you are all unpacked I think it's time to go on your first night out with me and the lads, then in the morning we can go get you some new stuff. Ok?" Alex told me, I was a little nervous I had seen some of there videos they seemed nice. But what if they hated me? What if they made Alex hate me?

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