Chapter 2-Night out with the lads

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~•Your POV•~
"Are you ready yet?" Alex popped his in the room asking.
"Just give me two more minutes please," I said whilst I flashed my puppy dog eyes, which I knew he couldn't resist.
"Fine but that means the lads are going to meet us in the club." rolling his eyes Alex informed me, "and you don't need all that make up you are beautiful but if you want it I guess."he muttered it but I still heard him, most of the people I knew would say that was him flirting but I knew we were just friends.
"I like it Alex, it makes me feel pretty. Ok?" He just smiled at me and walked away knowing that I would win the argument that he was starting.
~•Time Skip•~
We had finally arrived at the club, so I quickly went to the bar since I really wanted a drink knowing that I was about to meet my best friend's friends. It was kind of scary because what if they didn't like me, would Alex still be okay with me.
"What can I get you?" the bartender asked me snapping me out of my spiral.
"Erm can I have a vodka and coke please." I smiled as he handed me the drink after I had paid, with a little anxiety I walk over to were I see Alex and a few other people.
"Finally, guys this y/n, y/n this is George, Will, Mia, Fraiser and James." Alex introduced them all.
"H-hi, it's nice to finally meet all of you," I stuttered making me mentally kick myself but nobody said anything about it they all just smiled at me.
"Do you want to sit next to me or keep standing there then?" George asked jokingly, I sat down not really saying anything. I liked George he seemed funny and he was so cute but I hadn't known him for very long so I just brushed it off.
~•Time Skip•~
I was on my third drink so I was only a bit tipsy when Mia asked me to dance. Well she more so she told me to then dragged me on the dance floor. It was actually really fun but when Mia spun me I noticed that George was watching me, when I saw that I could feel my cheeks heat up. Why was I blushing? He probably was checking for Will because I was with Mia. We walked back to the table because we needed another drink, but Alex wasn't there. Inside I started to panic but I had to remain calm.
"Hey George, where did Alex get to?" Plastering on a fake smile I asked trying to remain calm because I didn't know the way home or anything else.
"Oh him and some lad left like 20 mins ago but he told me to take you home because he knew you wouldn't know how and that you would be worried, if that's okay with you of course." George told me smiling as his hand went on my shoulder. Why are there butterflies in my stomach?
"I-I.. Yeah that's fine," I muttered before I drank one of the shots Will had put in front of me, then another and another. Then everything started to blur. The last thing I remember was George putting me in bed with a hoodie on. He turned off the light and walked out.
~•George's POV•~
"I-I.. Yeah that's fine," she muttered, her stutter was so cute. I decided not to drink anymore since I was walking her home and she wasnt stopping. After 5 shots I took her home in a taxi, but she had fallen asleep on my arm. Why do I have butterflies? When it was time to get out I carried her up the stairs to hers an Alex's apartment. Alex had given me a key earlier so I sat y/n on a step whilst I unlocked the door. As I stumbled through the apartment she started to wake up a little bit.
When we reached her room, I took off her shoes and put my hoodie on her trying not to look at her too much. She crawled into bed whilst I started to walk out, I was so tired. After turning off the light I said "Goodnight Gorgeous." Why did I just say that? It slipped out. But I am not wrong plus she probably couldn't hear. I hope. I just passed on the sofa like old times when I was too lazy to reach my bed. As I started to drift off to sleep all I could think about was y/n her y/e/c eyes that you could fall into, her gorgeous y/h/c hair. Stop. She's your best mates roommate.

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