Chapter 3-Hangovers

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~•Your POV•~
I woke up with a pounding headache, so I practically jumped to the kitchen. When I stepped out there were a few lights on but Alex still wasn't home and George was still asleep on the sofa. I took some painkillers but I couldn't help but stare at George with his gorgeous hair and perfect lips. I wanted to hug him, kiss him. No. I can't think like that. He is my roommate's best friend.
Looking up at the clock, I noticed it was 3 am so I walked back to my room with a cold glass of water and my head swirling about how what had happened last night after those shots that Will had given me. How did George get me home? How did I get changed? Oh no. I cringed at the very thought of him seeing me. I was so self conscious, everyone told me I was skinny and pretty but I didn't believe them.
~•Time Skip•~
My alarm was going off but I couldn't bring myself to get iut of bed. I knew it was going to be cold as I heard the rain on my window. I rolled over to turn the alarm off but before I could even get out of my bed George walked into my room.
"Sorry I must have forgot to turn it off last night. I hope it didn't wake you up." I apologised because I felt genuinely bad whilst I sat up in my bed.
"Its okay I was already awake but I didn't want it to wake you up, guess I am too late." He said jokingly but I was too focused on his eyes, it was like I had fallen into them.
*Knock Knock*
I looked at George confused but his small smile had turned into a massive grin. He leapt to the door with me following behind him. When he opened the door there was delivery man with food. Yay! George quickly paid even though I tried to convince him that I would but he told me next time instead. Within 5 seconds I was on the chair watching TV and eating food with George doing the same on the sofa.
"Hey.. so how is your hangover?" George asked.
"Its ok I took some tablets when I woke up at three and this food really helped so thank you a lot, how come you dont have a hang over though?" I asked trying to hold on to the conversation as the big bang theory episode played in the background.
"Don't worry about it but I don't have a hangover because after I saw you drink three shots I knew one of us needed to be kind of sober to get home properly." He exclaimed whilst I nodded in my mind I felt bad for making him not drink.
~•George's POV•~
Y/n looked so cute in that hoodie, it was her original merch design. Alex had told me about it a few months ago when she sent it to him. Just as we finished our food and cleaned there was a burst through the door. We both looked at each other knowing that it was Alex.
"Dickheads I'm home!" He shouted making y/n hold her head a little probably from how loud he was since it was only half ten in the morning.
"Hey Al, why you being so loud?" I asked him whilst he sat beside me on the sofa.
"Guess I am just in a good mood. Did you two get home ok?" Alex replied but before I could respond y/n shot him a death glare that I couldn't miss. I understood why she might be angry he abandoned her in the middle of London where she has never been with someone who she doesn't know. I would be pissed too.
~•Your POV•~
I wasn't too angry at Alex but it did piss me off I mean he just left no text, no call just left me in the middle of no where either somebody I don't know.
"Y/n please don't be mad at me I was drunk and I wasn't thinking properly. I am sorry. But I get why you are mad at me. Can we move on and go shopping though?" Alex pleaded, which made me crumble he knew that I couldn't be too mad at him.
"Okay but you are buying me a wetherspoons to say sorry," I joked whilst giving him a quick hug to show there were no hard feelings.
"Hey George do you want to come buy stuff with us today?" Alex offered, I was excited to spend some time with my best mate but I should get to know more people in London so George coming wouldn't be the worst thing
"If that's alright with y/n?" He asked smiling at me, to which I responded to by nodding.
"We will all get ready and meet at Starbucks in an hour, ok?" Alex proposed. We all split off with me going into my bathroom to get a quick shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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