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feeling no fear
very bold or brave


"Alright, I'll see you in a bit then."

You end the call and place your phone in your pocket. A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips. You couldn't wait for Koushi to get here! He had promised to take you ice skating today, and you were absolutely excited! And kind of scared at the same time.

Snow flakes dance around you as you sit on the front steps of your house. It was cold, but you didn't mind. You could wait inside, but you enjoyed the numbing feeling that the cold brought for some reason. You chuckle to yourself. If it were anyone else, they would probably be sitting in front of the fire place, snuggled up in warm blankets with a mug of hot chocolate. But they were them and you were you. And you wouldn't have it any other way.

"Don't you feel cold?"

Your train of thought is cut short by the figure smiling in front of you. You return the favor.

"Koushi," you say standing up to wrap your arms around your lover's torso. Looking up, you flash him one more smile before slipping one of your hands into his.

"Ready to go?" The silver haired boy asks. You hum in response, calling out to your mother to tell her you were leaving.

The snow under your feet crunches with every step you take, which amuses you. Letting go of Koushi's hand, you run ahead, twirling around a few times. You laugh out loud, a few snow flakes landing atop your head. You look back, waving to Koushi.

He smiles, waving back at you. Your childish behaviour was one of the things he loved so much about you. Other people would rather you acted your age, but you could really care less, and he adored that fact that you weren't afraid to be yourself.

After a few more minutes of walking, you found yourselves in front of the local ice rink. You jump up and down, giggling like a child as you make your way inside. The silver-haired boy laughs alongside you. You were absolutely adorable.

Soon, both of you were on the ice, gliding alongside each other, or in Koushi's case at least. You, on the other hand, looked like a moose on a frozen lake. Holding onto your boyfriend for dear life, you repeatedly stumble and trip over your own feet. He laughs because you had been so excited to try ice skating.

"It isn't funny," you say while pouting. It was your first time, the least he could do was cut you some slack.

"If you'd just let go, I could teach you how to do it right!" he says, laughing a bit. You had been holding onto him for the last fifteen minutes for Pete's sake! It was adorable, sure, but how did you expect yourself to learn if you couldn't even let go?

"If I let go, then I'll fall over!"

"Then I'll be there to catch you!"

Cheeks puffed up, you reluctantly allow him to move in front of you, the death grip you had on his arms never faltering. He smiles, muttering a small that's it as he starts to skate backwards.

You've finally started getting the hang of it. Kind of. Aside from the fact that you still needed to hold onto Koushi, you were doing great!

"See," he starts, patting the top of your head. "It wasn't so bad, was it?"

You shake your head. He was right, it wasn't that hard, you just needed to be brave enough to let go.



I actually updated...


I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in so long, writer's block can really be a pain...

Anyway, I hope you guys like the update! If there's anything you think I can improve, I'd be glad to hear it!

I hope all of you have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!

12/24/14 - 12/24/14

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