Part 6: Terrible Killing

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The last thoughts I had before I passed out were, was Haroka going to be okay? What is Ida gonna do with us?  Answers. All I wanted was answers. My body felt cold, and completely limp and lifeless as I passed out, everything just went black for me...

But, I woke up soon enough, though I didn't open my eyes yet. 

My head felt... Just warm, and my neck felt moist and wet. A small part of me didn't even want to open my eyes, I honestly didn't want to even know what was happening, because soon. My hearing was coming back, and I heard a bunch of girls, some sounding older, some sounding younger, but all of them had a completely seductive tone to them, one eye opened. 

I saw a whole group of girls around me, but, I seemed to be upside down. I wiggled a tiny bit, and I heard the sound of chains slightly clanking around my legs and feet. My vision was starting to clear up finally, and I saw a bunch of girls with brief styled skirts and leggings. I didn't have any idea what was going on, I tried to move my arms, but I found out that those were chained up as well.

Suddenly, a young and more high pitched sounding woman announced to the others, 

"Oh! Hehe..! He's awake..! I think it's my turn now!~"  She said in a playful yet gross way, this girl with long light brown hair out of nowhere came up to me, she grabbed my head with both of her hands, and all of the other girl's laughed and giggled at me. I tried to shake her off, but I felt super weak. The random girl suddenly starting to suck on my neck, and I twitched rapidly, it felt incredibly uncomfortable. I heard a bunch of random girls say out loud, 

"Heh..!~ He's trying not to like it, yet, I don't think he can help himself!~"  

"Maybe he'll respect Ida better if we teach him a few lessons, right?~"  

"I think he might be a lost soul in search for some guidance~" 

I couldn't tell who was talking, there were a bunch of flirty women all around me. As the girl kept her lips on my neck, I tried to speak, but my mouth still felt heavy. I could barely even mumble to myself, and suddenly, another girl with soft hands grabbed my head as well, and I felt her move her head close to my ear,  "My turn~" 

My eyes winced as I soon felt her warm and muggy feeling breath blow into my ear, it made my ear tingle strangely, I hated that feeling. Someone just blowing into your ear like that, I couldn't stand it. She quickly put her tongue onto the other side of my neck, and she licked it slowly, her gross feeling saliva all over my neck felt cold after a tiny bit of air passed onto it. 

I eventually spoke with the little breath I had,  

"Nrrghhh... W... Why are you doing this..?"  I asked with irritation in my voice. A whole bunch of the girls around me started to giggle at me again with flirty accents,

"Awww heehehehe!~ You poor thing... Well we're just having a bit of fun with you, since we don't see a lot of men here~"  One of them said, I couldn't tell. I tried to wiggle a little bit, but I still didn't have much strength to do anything. 

"Come onnn!~ We know you've been craving for something like this, sir~"  The one that just sucked on my neck said to me in a perverted way, I shook my head a bit, 

"No... No..! What... Are you all doing with Haroka...!?"  I asked more quickly, I was a lot more worried about her than myself. And a bunch of them went aw  at me, it was really annoying to listen to. I tried to break free of the tightened chains, but nothing I did helped me. I saw my short sword and flint being held by two younger looking girls with similar clothes to the rest.

"Aww... This poor man just wants to see his little girlfriend again~ It's a shame he doesn't like any of us... But I can imagine the way you two kissing each other, it would be so unreal~"   

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