Chapter 2

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I turned around, a smile evident on my face. There was literally a kick in my step. Okay, I've met my fair share of teenage boys, but wow, that guy was incredibly cute! like, gorgeous! his voice was so friendly, and that smile, and those eyes...I'm not falling in love, but man they don't make them like that anymore! I turned around to see if I could still see him walking away, but I couldn't. he disappeared. like some sort of angel.

I kept walking, some students were still in the hallway getting to their classes. I looked around, seeing if he had somehow looped around. What if he was lost? I could have helped him find his way around, maybe actually started up a conversation, this probably could have gone somewhere...what am I saying? this is the first day of senior year, and I need to keep my priorities straight, but...that guy was just I can't and I won't.

I took my seat in my first class of the day, unfortunately - MATH - oh how I loathe math, but Mr. Davis makes it almost bearable. He's not the sort of teacher that tries too hard, but he doesn't want you to fail. As long as you show up to class, and participate you should be able to get the homework done with no problem. The little tip actually, if you bring in your homework for the next night, guess what, he does them in class! you can even turn it in at the end of class and be all like 'oh hey, I got the homework done early' so in a way, this class is completely easy. or you're just too stupid to figure out he's a little giving you a free pass to all the answers and able to collect extra credit by handing in the assignment he just gave you answers to. But hey, I just notice things.

The bell rings, and I approach Mr. Davis with the homework I got done, the night before (mind you, we just got the syllabus today). He takes the homework in his hands and glances at it, he looks up at me and grins, "good work Ms. Brooks." I thank him and walk to the next class with full confidence that even on the first day I got an A, but also extra credit.

Now Spanish class with Mr. Martinez, it's a little hard to follow, but Lilly, my best friend helps me follow along.

For the first day we were paired with our table mates, Lilly being my table mate, and went over the syllabus together, well that's what we were supposed to do, but Lilly and I had other things on our agenda. When she finally broke us into our groups we turned to each other and instead gossiped.

"so spill the beans," she crossed her arms

"Uhm, dad moved out, mom still in phase one, in-home on 'sick leave' when she's really just at home binge-watching the beginning seasons of the Kardashians-"

"What?" she questioned

"The beginning, you know? like seasons one through three, but as soon as she finishes season three, she like turns back time and just goes back to season one, I'm thinking if I see her walk to get the mail in her robe again I'll have to have an intervention-"

"Okay I don't know whether to cry or feel bad for your mother's tragedy, but instead I'm just gonna ask again, what?" she said sitting up in her seat, straightening out her light brown hair in her ponytail

"aren't you asking about my mom's divorce from my dad? I thought everyone was talking about that?" I asked looking around, noticing that everyone was kind of looking at me, just short glances over their shoulders, "what is going on?" I whispered intensely to her

"oh you're gonna be mad," she smiled fakely through her teeth

"How mad?"

"remember freshman year when Brandon kissed Janice Hargrove while he was your homecoming date?" She questioned, "well, that bastard did you wrong, again!"

I put my hand over my mouth, almost too scared to ask, "what did he do?"

"well after practice the guys were talking about what girls were the worst kissers, and well they rated you as Uhm...well from one to ten, well...a seven-point five."

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