A tight situation

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After flying leaving mumbo and Iskall after visiting cub's potion shop Grian started to fly across the shopping district.He made several dangerous sharp turns and drops that only he could master the art of and soon even after doing some tricks in the air he felt himself grow tired of what he was doing.

He stopped flying and went through the portal to go the hermitvil. I'd been awhile since he'd been there but he knew trying to fly through there would be a challenge.He flew through the houses of the other hermits turning every tight corner with lots of skill.

He then decided to fly very high up and dropped before he hit the ground he placed a fire work lifting him off and he went off in high speeds very close the the floor but not touching it. He loved how the adrenaline filled his body he left alive and decided to fly a little higher and land on one of the houses and looked out into the distance.

He was too good at flying he thought as he had a cocky grin on his face.He through fora little bit and decided to fly a little far out. There was a forest that had pretty good angles around,but it was in the snow area and the area it was in seemed to be unpredictable.Though thanks to how proud Grian felt of his flying skills he decided to give himself the challenge of going through there.

He took off with 24 fire works and left without thinking much.

He finally Arrived at the forest it had started to snow a little,but Grian wasn't bothered by it one bit at all.He had at most 15 fire works left and thought he would only need around 5 to get through it.

With that he took off.

He skimmed past every branch letting it past his view and soon dodging anther and another.It was a bit difficult than he first thought,but nothing he couldn't handle.He was almost out of the forest when the snow got t h i c c .There was a blizzard.

Grian quickly realized this and attempted to land,but he was flying too fast.The snow started to land on his elytra making it a little heavy but it was slid off with his movements.

It was very difficult to see ahead he got cut with a few branches and even hit a few him self and kept going. He flew further and further until he saw a gap that seemed to be able to lead him out of the forest.He used his firework to lift him in the right direction and at the right he placed the other and lifted him up and out of the forest.

Is what he at least hopped that happened.

Instead when he went to place down the second firework he realized he had run out.He'd gotten too cocky and under estimated the amount of fireworks it would take.

He crashed directly into a tree and another.The branches it him everywhere until eventually he hit a certain tree and once he it the tree it hit him directly in the gut taking the breath out of him.

He had no idea he the hell he was still alive,but it's not like he could really focus either.He soon felt himself close his eyes falling unconscious.

He woke up hours later still in the tree,his body hurt like hell. He felt like throwing up,but that feeling was very quickly over come by how cold it was.He had ice in his hair and was shivering. Grian pushed himself up to get himself out of the tree but realized he couldn't.He examined his position a bit then realized he was stuck between branches.

He started to have a panic attack he had no way of getting out and who knew how long he'd been out in the snow he would most likely have hypothermia. He started to take deep breaths to calm down when he heard a firework  go off above him and soon there was a person under the tree looking up at Grian.

"Grian!what are you doing 3,000 blocks from the spawn?"

"You know I could ask you the same Exxcuzma" Grian replied with a shivering tremble.

Xisuma soon realized that Grian had ice in his hair and his lips were blue and soon started to realize the situation here and he quickly flew up the the branches Grian was stuck in with an axe.

"Jesus,How long were you here! Your lips are blue I think you've got hypothermia!"

"I- got cocky and few through here-out ofrockets andcrashed"he spoke with small breaths.

Xisuma quickly cut the branches and picked up Grian bridal style and flew off to this closest base.He needed to get Grian was fast or he might die.

As he flew he heard Grian speak again.
"I thin'k..gonna nap.." grain said almost closing his eyes when Xisuma shook him.

"No!don't you dare close your eyes grain oh my god I swear grain you don't close your eyes!"Xisuma said reaching his base and landing quickly placing grain on a chair and he ran off to get a bucket and blankets.

He first came back with blankets then went off and came back with a bucket of warm water. He placed the blankets around Grian and took Grian's frost covered shoes off letting his feet rest in the warm water.After making sure Grian was still awake he turned on his fire place letting the room heat up to let Grian warm up.

The room got warm very quickly but Xisuma worries weren't done yet he sat next to Grian in worry that he was still gonna freeze to death until he heard Grian sneeze.

"Bless you"

Xisuma released a sigh of relief and went off to his kitchen and went off to get some warm mushroom stew to give to him. Once he cane back he grabbed a spoon and gave it to grain before trying to give him the stew.

Grian reached for the spoon and tried to grab it but his trembling hands wouldn't allow him so Xisuma had to feed the stew to him.

Grain felt embarrassed over this whole situation,but was thankful Xisuma was there.

"T-Anks ezzuma" Grian said with his still trembling voice.

"No problem gIan" Xisuma said with a bit of a goofy smile.

Authors note: Yeet hope y'all enjoy this one,I'm gonna try to update this book at least once a week sooo expect a new update next week.Also please check out my other book called Hermitcraft Danganronpa:Are you the culprit? I'm also working on that story so you might wanna check that out while your waiting for this book to update anyways that it's Thanks for reading this update!

Word count:1152

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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