chapter eleven

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Lauren's POV

This is strange vibe i've always felt, always got me paranoid. Whats going on with me? Everything never seemed to make sense. Everything camila's claimed, i never thought of them. They don't seem to ring a bell. I've never done such thing of harm. I don't understand. I'm not the type of person i always thought i am at night in this asylum, according to camila.

But if i were to be someone else, what am i supposed to be? "ugh fuck!" i cursed out as i pushed my hair out of my face, and rubbed my eyes softly. I looked at the time, i stood up at i knew it was time for camila's medicine. I gathered her medicine in the cart and folded up my sleeves. I then noticed a few cuts along my wrist.

"what the hell.." i then folded them back out and covered my arms. "i can check on those later."


I walked down the depressing hallways, down to camila's room, hopefully not bothering anyone. I began to speed up. The sound of the cart's wheels rolling increased..And so did my breathing. I suddenly came to a stop. I caught up to my breath. I looked around. The place never seemed familiar to me, perhaps i've never been to this part of the asylum. 

I stood in front of the door that seemed old and a bit broken. I opened the door slowly, turning the knob. I couldnt see a thing for it was only darkness that filled the room. Darkness and silence to be exact. I turned on the light switch and the room immediately illuminated with light, but the lighting was poor.

I gasped at shock, staggering back. My eyes wide open, as though they had been pinned open, only to never be closed again. I only hope i could unsee what i've seen. "no...this cant" The room displayed body organs, fetus', and other unusual animals inside jars that were displayed onto the shelf. As body parts such as heads, legs, arms,etc were hanged on the wall in front of me. 

I gagged as i smelled the rotten carcass that laid on the surgical table in the center of the room. I covered my nose and staggered back in disgust. "what...what is this!?" i say in shock. I then looked closely on the walls with bloody writings. One read For science another read God forgive me for what i've done and last one read Not a murderer 

I then stood back to the door, breathing heavily. I then tried to open the door. "cmon cmon" i jiggled the doorknob. "stuck!? no!" i cried out. Soon i heard footsteps coming this way. 


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