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Art Credit goes to the amazing artist who drew Suga when he was sad (I do not own the art)

Law of Attraction ~Awaken F

Y/N's Pov

I opened my eyes the moment I woke up.

I woke up to a white room filled with bright lights.

I had to shield my eyes for a moment.

I found myself in a bed, specifically a hospital bed. I realized I was in a hospital.

I then began to wonder how I even got here.

A nurse came in, she noticed that I was awake. I saw Yoongi, Taeyong, and Felix were waiting outside, who came in after the nurse let them in. She warned them not to be to noisy, as I need rest.

Yoongi reached my bedside first, and then Felix and Taeyong.

Yoongi looked over my injuries just to make sure that I was okay. He was about to get some water for me when Taeyong voluntarily decided to go instead. Taeyong took Felix along with me. This allowed Yoongi and me to have alone time.

Yoongi: Thank goodness you're awake jahgiya! *says as he hugs me*

Taeyong came back later with Felix trailing behind. Taeyong placed the water on the desk and sat down on the chair near the medical bed.

Felix: Thank goodness you're awake! You scared us mate!

Yoongi and Taeyong glanced at me in relief.

Yoongi: Y/N! Jahgiya You scared me!

Yoongi comforted me and reached his hand over mine gently.

(Right as he put his hand over mine, Candy bursted through the door and leaped towards the bed.)

Candy: Y/N!!! *Sobs* Are You OK?!

Me: Yeah. *sits up straighter*

(Taeyong stares in horror as Candy's tears bursted endlessly as if it was about to flood the room.)

Taeyong: Sweetheart how are you feeling?!

(Yoongi glared at Taeyong for his question.)

Me: I'm feeling alright...

Candy: That's Great, That's Awesome!

Taeyong managed to "catch" Candy's flood of tears into the empty plastic cup and so he then suddenly dumped the cup of tears onto Candy's head.

I tried not to laugh at the sight, but Taeyong, Yoongi, and Felix already started laughing before I could, so I joined too. Candy stared at all of us confused.

Candy: Uh...... *starts laughing too*
I'm just gonna get changed......Glad you're okay Y/N!

Me: Wait, did we win?!

Felix: Yes, everything is back to normal

Taeyong: Sorta that is.

Yoongi: Don't worry about it. Worry about yourself first jahgiya. Also, most of BTS have gone to apply for XZ HQ or do social work. As for me, I am allowed to stay with you.

Taeyong: We no longer have a place to stay so, we are going to move and get out of here. NCT will need a new base, we decided its best to get out of town. I have some business take care of.

Me: You can stay with us.

Yoongi glanced at me in surprise.

Yoongi: You sure?!

Me: Yeah.

Taeyong: I'd love to but....I got business to take care of. *sighs* Look, Sweetheart, I broke up with you because I was threatened. Some random girl named Seoheen found out about some information about me and threatened to kill you if I didn't date her friend Yeri.  I know it was stupid. To be honest Yeri and I didn't do anything, we only hugged and kissed once. I'm truly sorry for everything. If I had another chance with you, I would take you back.

Me: That is a similar situation to Yoongi,  but he didn't pretend to date anyone, he just went completely off the map.

(Taeyong had to pretend to date someone else in order to save you, he was forced to date, he loved you still, He never liked Yeri even though she was nice and understood his feelings. He was furious when Wendy bribed and threatened Yeri and you were the girl being beaten in the footage Luhan accidentally played in that chapter. )

Yoongi: *awkward laugh*  Yeah.

Felix: Hey mate, I have something to tell you...... I know you have two boyfriends waiting to claim you. But please I just want to let you know I like you a lot, and will always be there for you if you need me alright.

(I glanced at Felix in surprise)

Taeyong and Yoongi all glanced at me in surprise.

Taeyong: Just do me a favor, take good care of Y/N and protect her. Don't do stupid things or hurt her. Live a happy life and always be there for her.

Yoongi: I know. *hugs me towards him* We're going home, but first, let me put something on you
*takes out engagement ring*

Felix and Taeyong stared at Yoongi in awe.

Me: No you didn't! *bursts in tears*

Taeyong awkwardly handed me a rose and Felix handed me a little love letter, before leaving and waiting for us in the car.

Yoongi: Yes! Guess I win?!

Me: I love you Yoongi!

Yoongi: I love you too, now let's go home.

He says as he carried you bridal style into the car and drove you home.

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