Chapter 11

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Thank you to cathasarrived for this suggestion!

Severus walked the halls of Hogwarts, his face expressionless as always. The robes on his back were draped lazily on his shoulders, his normally messy hair was slicked back a bit, his black, heavy eyes were more tired looking, and a kitten in his arms. His normal frown was now a small smile as the kitten purred and nuzzled into his chest. Sev knew the school was empty at this time so he sat down against a wall and played with the tiny cat. Suddenly footsteps approached the raven haired male, making Snape look up. "Hey Sevy." James smiled widely. "Hi Potter." Sev growled, angry that his time with his child was interrupted by his boyfriend. "You seemed pissed off."

"That's because my boyfriend is interrupting my time with my child."

"It's a cat."

"This 'Cat' is my child, Potter."

"Whatever weirdo." James purred. Sev sighed and got up. The two began to bicker while heading to their dorm.

They got to the dorm and James suddenly pinned Sev to the bed after closing the door. "POTT-" Severus was cut off by a kiss. He started to slightly panic but calmed down when James began to mess with his off switch; his hair. James knew if Sev didn't have his hair played with when he began to panic due to trauma reasons, he'd do anything he can to get you away from him. James chuckled as he was hit with Sev's palm to his forehead. He looked down at the pale male and saw his pouting face. James purred and nuzzled into neck. "James don't you dAAARE!" Sev dragged out the last word as James tugged his hair and bit his shoulder. Sev growled and bit James' wrist. "OW! SEV WTF!?"

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL MY SHOULDER IS STILL HEALING FROM YESTERDAY!" Severus yelled as tears of pain rolled from his eyes. James honestly forgot and hugged Sev tightly. "Sorry dork." James muttered, nuzzling his face into Sev's shoulder. "You're just a big baby, aren't you sev?"

"Go fuck yourself." Sev growled. James smirked and remembered one thing.

Sev was ticklish. Specifically, his sides. So, James chuckled and began to gently tickle sev, hearing his laugh. "POTTER- STAPH!" Sev chuckled. James purred and watched Sev's attempts to get him to stop. Kicking, pushing, scratching, and some punching. Finally, James stopped and blew in Sev's face. "Damnit Potter."

"You're breath smells like vodka." James said suddenly. A small pause of silence before James was bitch slapped. "i brush my teeth after my breakdowns, thank you."


"EXACTLY!" back to the fighting. They started getting slightly physical but nothing too bad. It would always end up leaving a bruise on their arms but, no extremely bad stuff. A punch on their arms, and that's it. James pi Ned sev against the bed again and, like after every no fight, they began to make out.

After they ditched their shirts they heard a throat clear. They looked at the door and saw Draco and Harry. Draco was eating some food, and Harry was so disappointed In his father and his teacher. "Disgusting." Harry said. Draco chuckled seeing Sev get up and walk to his hiding room to have a mental break down.

James explained everything to Harry and finally got to calm down Snape and got him into bed since, sev acts like a child after a breakdown. They ate and snuggled up to another and slept the rest of the day.


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