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"Okay, we're here."

Minho and Jisung were standing right outside Chan's house, about to ring the doorbell.

"Are you ready? You look hesitant."

"I don't know, what if my parents come look for me?"

"They won't find you here. Don't worry." Minho said as he patted the younger's shoulder.

He stepped forward and rang the bell. Chan opened.

"Hey." He said with a smile and wave.

"I'll call you." Minho said. He looked at Chan. "Take good care of him."

Jisung kisses the older's lips, said goodbye and went in with Chan.

Jisung followed Chris inside. The living room was rather small, with a small tv and simple decorations. But the first thing Jisung noticed was music equipment.

"Do you play music?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah." Chan smiled. "I'm hoping to be a great musician one day. But right now it's no more than a hobby."

"That's so cool!" He said excitedly.

"Thanks. Oh I should show you to the guest room shouldn't I?" Chris chuckled.

He motioned for Jisung to follow him, he was then brought to a neat guest room.

The room had a closet, a desk and a relatively big bed all in pretty simple colours. There were a lot of books and even toys. And the cat Jisung assumed was Chan's was sleeping on the end of the bed.

"Here's your room." Chan said with a small smile on his face. "I'll leave you to unpack a little, I'm gonna make some food."

"Okay, and thanks."

"No problem."

Chan left Jisung by himself to unpack. He went downstairs to the kitchen and started preparing some instant ramen since he didn't have anything else food-wise.

About five minutes later Jisung came downstairs and sat down at the dining table. Chan then came in with ramen.

"I'm making tea, you want a cup?"
He asked, putting down the bowls on the table.

"That'd be nice, thanks."

When Chan was pouring tea into cups Jisung asked,

"So Chan, do you live here alone?"

"No I live with Woojin, but he's at work right now."

"Oh... does he work a lot?"

"Yeah, he's saving up for university."

"That's good, I hope he gets to go."

"I hope so too." Chan smiled.

The boys connected more over a couple cups of tea when they hear the front door open and then close.

"I'm hooooomme~" a familiar voice sounded from the hall.

"That should be Woojin." Chan said standing up. He somehow knew that the older had gone shopping, and had a lot of bags on him. So he went to help out. To Jisung, it looked like they're telepathically connected. Which wouldn't surprise their friends.

After all the groceries had been put away, Woojin joined the other two for tea. (Yes, they were still having tea. Tea is good, deal with it)

Another hour passed, and the three boys had completely lost track of time.

Woojin looked at his phone.
"Oh look, it's already 11:15, we should probably go to bed."

"You're right. Let's go." Chan said.

The boys bid each other goodnight and went to their bedrooms.

Just before turning of the lights, Jisung noticed he'd gotten a message.

Jisung where are you?
Your uncle called
You need to come home
You're safer with me

this chapter took unbelievably long. Oh my dick.
I have two more exams to goooooo
I'm sorry I'm so exhausted

Luv yu <33

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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