Prefect Draco || Draco Malfoy

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You knew that Malfoy was a prefect, Hermione told you she'd found out through the grapevine and you knew exactly who was going to be with him. Pansy Pug face, you were sitting with Ginny, Harry, Luna and Neville in your space on the train when the door opened you looked up to see him standing there. He was smirking at everyone when saw you sitting there. You knew instantly you were in for it, he hated people in his hogwarts house to hang out with anyone else and Potter was even worse. 
"What?" You spat at him, Pansy began giggling at you and Malfoy rolled his eyes. 
"Manners, or I'll have to give you a detention. You see Y/N...unlike you I've been made a prefect, which means that, Unlike you, I have the power to hang out punishments." You sat there astounded by what had just happened. 
"Oh I'm sorry," You switched your modes, you put on an obvious fake smile and said sarcastically. 
"Please Sir Malfoy, I'm begging don't let you or Pug face here give me detention for I would not know what to do with myself." You smirked looking at Hermione who was smiling at you. 
"You'll regret that." Pansy said dragging Malfoy away from your cabin. 
"Catch you later Pug face." You yelled slamming the door and laughing along with everyone else. 

You were just getting off the train when Pansy shoved past you knocking you onto the ground and taking a couple first years with you, causing most people to stop and laugh at you. You rolled your eyes standing up and brushing off your robes. You just had to try and not let it get to you.
"Fuck you Pansy." You muttered as she was out of ear shot, you caught up to Luna who'd just handed Pig to Ron, you just caught the last of Hermione's conversation. 
"They're kicking everyone out of their carriages so they can get one alone." You rolled your eyes, you watched the golden trio and Ginny, Luna and Neville fill up one carriage and you assured them you would wait and catch the next one. You sat down on a bench near by and looked around. That's when you heard footsteps coming towards you. 
"Potter left you alone?" You rolled your eyes looking up expecting to see Malfoy and Pansy but were surprised when it was just Draco. 
"What's it to you?" You hissed, that's when you noticed a hole in your tights and your knee bleeding from your fall earlier.
"You're pretty clumsy huh?" You scoffed, 
"No your girlfriend is just a massive fucking bitch." He chuckled and your jaw dropped, you'd never made Draco laugh before, in fact the only time you ever saw him smile was when he was making someone miserable. A carriage pulled up and you smiled going over to the Thestrals and smiling, Draco stared at you getting into the carriage. 
"What are you doing? They're just Thestrals," You locked eyes with him and got into the carriage. 
"You can see them too?" He nodded and the carriage began to move, you knew you could only see them if you'd witnessed death close up. 
"I'm sorry." You whispered realising that he'd seen something bad, just like you had. You both fell silent, you shivered and he wrapped his robes around you, saying nothing. You were slowly making your way up the hill to the castle when he looked at you, saying nothing again he just grabbed your face and kissed you. 
"I've been wanting to do that since third year...." You kissed him again and he smirked into the kiss, you pulled away and brought your hand to your lips. 
"Tell no one about this, or I'll give you detention." He sent you a wink and You nodded he jumped out of the carriage heading up to the castle leaving you shocked in the carriage. 

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