Teen Pregnancy

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A/N: I am in no way telling people to go out and get pregnant in your teen years just want to leave a small disclaimer here :- ) 


Draco and you had been together for the last five years at Hogwarts, it was your sixth year and you were all heading back to school after spending a lot of your summer with Draco, well most of what you could together, he was busy with something he wouldn't tell you about but you didn't mind, you knew he wouldn't be cheating or anything since he adored you. You were changing into your robes on the train when you noticed they were tighter than when you brought them, which was weird because you just bought them the week before you started. 
"Getting a little fat are we?" Pansy joked with you, you looked down at your belly and shook your head doing your robes up anyway and ignoring the fact that they were tight. 
"Shut up Pansy." You joked back, you'd been friends with her since first year despite everyone else hating her, even Draco hated her at times but it was nothing too bad to deal with.

A month had passed and it was getting harder and harder to explain to your mum why you needed more robes, so you started to make your own alterations with magic instead to hide from everyone but Draco was starting to notice too and it was making you self conscious, you didn't understand it, you weren't eating a lot to gain more weight and you were exercising enough, it didn't make sense. It wasn't until you began throwing up that you went to see Madam Pomfrey who upon seeing you and hearing what was happening instantly told you you were pregnant, even doing tests to prove to you that you were. She'd promised not to tell another professor until you'd decided what to do and how to tell your parents and Draco the news. 


You had been feeling unwell for the last few weeks, waking up and wanting to vomit instantly or going through your day and when you smell a certain thing it makes you want to vomit that morning it was scrambled eggs in the great hall, you rushed out and into the girls bathroom with Moaning Myrtle screaming at you for it. 
"Y/N?" Fred asked knocking on the stall you were currently sitting on the floor of, you flushed the toilet not wanting him to see you in this kind of state. 
"I think I've eaten something bad." You lied looking at the stall door and slowly opening it, you knew you were late and being muggleborn you knew exactly what that meant. 
"You've been unwell for a while I'm just worried." He said sitting down next to you, you lent your head on his shoulder closing your eyes and relaxing against him instantly, he was stroking your hair. 
"I'm okay, I'll go and see Madam Promfrey before double potions." You cleared your throat standing up and helping him to his feet, he left a small kiss on your head and headed out the door. You had Umbridge next which wasn't good at all, but you knew if you missed one more of her lessons she would have you expelled. 

You weren't going to Madam Pomfrey, instead you headed to the owlery, you'd asked one of your best friends to send you a pregnancy test not knowing if it would even work in Hogwarts or if they had their own ways of finding out you're pregnant, you were in your seventh year at Hogwarts, you were practically an adult how could you let this happen. You went into the prefects bathroom to get some peace and quiet, once you'd peed on the stick you left it on the window sill, looking down at all the people in the court yards laughing and joking around with one another. 
Taking a deep breath you looked down at the stick, two faint pink lines were in view.
"Shit." You whispered throwing into a near by bin and trying not to cry, you felt sick again but not because of the clear morning sickness but because you knew you were pregnant, you were growing a human inside of you and it was Fred's baby. He was leaving Hogwarts soon enough he made that clear, but where would that leave you?


You were sitting in the burrow getting ready to head back to school for your sixth year back, Fred and George were working in the shop and you'd spent most of your summer with them, but Molly was getting annoyed with you constantly sleeping over there knowing what was probably going down with you and her son. You had been dating since his fourth year and your third, you were exceptionally close and it was hard when he left school and you behind so you spent every waking moment you could possibly spend together. You were currently sat on one of the kitchen counters in the kitchen talking to Ginny and Molly about one of the new inventions the boys had made when Ron came in holding a grilled cheese sandwich, you took one smell and ended up running up the stairs and into the bathroom, throwing up instantly as soon as you reached the toilet. 

Molly came up after an hour of you not leaving the bathroom, she was carrying a bottle of water with her and she tied your hair back into a loose pony tail. 
"I must have caught a bug or something." You whispered wiping the tears away from your eyes, you always cried whenever you were sick. She grabbed some tissue wiping your eyes and rubbing the bottom of your back while you tried not to be sick again. 
"I don't think it's that sweetie." She whispered shutting the door and sitting in front of you, she pulled out a small box and handed it to you. 
"Pregnancy test?" You whispered looking at her, she nodded pinching your cheek a little bit. 
"You've been glowing since you got back from the boys flat, and you've gained a little weight, are you late?" You thought back for a moment to when your last period was, you were a month late. 
"Shit." You bit down on your lip shaking your head, tears flowing harder now, she dragged you into her arms and rubbed your back.
"It's going to be okay, I'm here. Arthur is here for you too and George will understand."


Being pregnant at 16 wasn't your idea of a good time, you hadn't even told Harry who was your boyfriend of not even a year yet. You found out during the summer, you were around four months along now and starting to show. Your mother had told you to take a test after a week of you constantly throwing up whenever you smelt bacon cooking in the mornings or whenever you would smell your dads body spray. You had no idea how you were going to tell Harry, he had his own problems with everyone finally knowing that You-Know-Who was back, he was getting a lot of media attention and you knew as soon as anyone found out you were pregnant it would also be big enough news for everyone to get a piece of. 
"You okay Y/N?" Hermione asked on the train, you had been staring out of the window daydreaming the whole time, Harry and Ron weren't with you anymore. 
"I have to tell you something but you can't tell anyone, not a single soul." You said standing up and slamming the carriage door shut so the group of year ones outside couldn't listen in.

"So you've known for that long and haven't told him?" You shook your head before leaning it against the window. 
"You have to tell him." She said looking at you, you closed your eyes letting the silent tears roll down your cheeks. 
"I know but I don't know how."


You knew you were pregnant, you'd known for a few months but with the war coming up you didn't know when to bring it up with Ron, you didn't know when the right time to bring it would even be since everyone was worrying about the horcruxes and trying to stay alive. You of course already told Molly and Hermione who told you they would keep your secret safe, you had told Molly since she treated you like one of her own and Hermione cause she was one of your best friends, it was nice to have that kind of relationship with them. 
"You'll have to tell him before, you can't just not tell him." Ginny said when she heard you all discussing it once. You were in agreement with her but you were both so young and had so much on your plates to deal with already, was this going to push everything over the brink 


It was the Yule Ball night, you'd spent the night together for a one night stand. You didn't think it would lead to anything since you were both busy focusing on your studies so much, but when you started to get sick every morning and had mood swings which were out of control you went to see Madam Pomfrey who said she knew instantly what was wrong with you, and had you take a few pregnancy tests spread over a few weeks and all of them came back as positive, you knew that only Neville was the father since you'd never spent a night with anyone else before or after him.
"We need to inform the headmaster." She told you after the final test came back as positive, you nodded wiping the tears away from your cheek, this wasn't the plan, you didn't want to be a mum yet, you didn't feel ready for this, was Neville even going to react well.
"Can I tell the father first?" You asked her as she walked over to her office, she looked up from her desk and nodded at you.
"Let me know when you've done that and I'll let dumbledore know." You nodded jumping down from the bed and heading out of the door.  

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