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After the rock war there wasn't much to do. We all dispersed most going home some going to go do something. I sat in the woods for like a soiled hour by myself. I mean if I went home I would get yelled at but, if I didn't go home I would get in more trouble then I was probably already in. After about five minutes I decided to go home. I needed a shower anyway. The walk home was eerily quiet and it seemed like no was outside.
"Where the hell have you been? Connor has been here for a day and you haven't even seen him. Who's clothes are those?" Dad yelled.
"I was told you were called. They said you weren't going to pick me up." I said staring into his eyes.
"Tomorrow you'll be in the basement. You better be glad Connor's here." He said.
I walked upstairs praying Henry wasn't home. I was digging around for my first aid kit Ed had given me.
"Will you look what the cat dragged in." Connor said from behind me.
"It's good to see you too." I mumbled remembering it was under my bed.
I bent down grabbing it from under the bed.
"What the hell happened to you?" Connor asked sitting on my bed.
"Why's it matter?" I muttered taking the bandages Mike put on me off. It wasn't that bad but it would definitely scar. It would definitely put a dent in my modeling career. Man I wish Richie had heard that one. He'd love it.
"Look bitch I was asking no need to get pissy. Must be that time of the month." Connor said catching an attitude.
"Look just leave me alone. I don't want you here and you don't want to be here." I mumbled.
"Beatrice come get the phone." Dad yelled up the stairs.
I walked past Connor finishing taking off the bandages.
"It's some woman." Dad said honestly.
"Hello.." I said confused on who was calling.
"Hello it's Mrs. Denbrough. Bill wanted to know if you made it home okay."
"I'm fine thanks for checking  Mrs. Denbrough."
"Is Bill okay?"
"He's fine. Do you want to speak with him?"
"Yes ma'am." I waited calmly.
"Hey Billy." I smiled as I him sigh.
"I t-tt-told you to s-st-stop calling m-me that."
"Oh come on it's cute." I giggled
"S-st-stop I don't wanna have to f-ff-fight your b-brother... again." I could almost hear the blood rush up to his face.
"Okay I'll stop but, I just wanted to let you know I was okay. Since you've had your mom call."
"Oh okay. D-do you w-ww-wanna go s-s-see a m-mm-movie t-tt-tomorrow?"
"Yeah what movie?"
"I d-did-don't kn-know."
"Okay I'll seen you then."
"Okay I'll s-s-see you."
I hung up the phone and went to start dinner. I grabbed a pack of chicken and some seasonings. I made four pieces of chicken and masked potatoes. It seemed to be enough until Henry and his goons came in and sat down at the table.
"You didn't make enough." Henry complained.
"No I made just enough. Your friends can go home and eat." I sassed back.
"We've been out all day looking for Hockstetter." Henry continued to complain.
"Well no one told you to do that." I retorted as I made plates for me, Dad, Connor, and Henry.
"Don't be a bitch." Henry said grabbing my arm.
"Let me go." I demanded snatching away.
"Hey let's not be rude I can help cook more." Vic stated standing up.
"No you can leave this is the first time my family has been together for dinner and you will not mess that up." My dad said coming into the kitchen.
"Alright Butch we'll leave. Won't we Vic?"Belch said standing up obviously scared.
"That's right now have a good night." Dad more or less ordered.
"Connor, come down stairs dinner's ready." I yelled up the stairs.
"In a second." He yelled back.
Dad and Henry took there seats at the head of the table. I put the plates down with the sodas and extra mashed potatoes. Connor came down the stairs with a wrapped box.
"I missed your birthday so, I got you something." He mumbled handing it to me.
"I'll open it after Dinner. Let's eat." I said handing him a soda.
He smiled and sat down to eat. I could only hope Dad got drunk and forgot what he said about tomorrow. We ate in silence except the occasional grumbling of Henry.
"Hey why don't you open your present?" Connor suggested.  I stood up and grabbed the box. I sat back down.
"I hope it's not anything stupid. You don't need no more mess." Dad said as I sat down.
I started unwrapping the present. It was a small black box. I opened it to find it was a Polaroid camera.
"Mom said you had always talked about a modeling career so, maybe your friends could take your picture." Connor said smiling.
"Thank you." I said standing up to wrap Connor in a hug.
"It's no problem. Now go shower you stink." He     said. I went up to the bathroom. I locked the door and went through mine to grab some clothes.
I turned on the hot water and looked in the mirror. Maybe I could cut my hair it was too long to take care of. I found to scissors and the clippers dad used to cut Henry's hair.
I had Ben (for a reason I couldn't figure out) on mind as I took my hair down and it made it halfway down my back. 
"I can be pretty too." I mumbled to myself.
I cut my hair up to my ears and took the clippers and fixed it up. I ended up looking more like Eddie then wanted. My now short blonde hair was a mess but I was sure I could fix. I got in the shower and watch the hair fall to the bottom of the shower and down the drain. Vic had always told me my hair was pretty.
"Fuck you." I mumbled. 
  I stayed in the shower until the water turnt cold. I stepped out and dry off putting my clothes on. It was a cropped red shirt and a pair of grey athletic shorts. I almost looked like a Kaspbrak. Henry would have a field day with this. I got my hair the way I wanted it and I walked out. Henry was laid across my bed listening to some awful music.
"What the fuck are you listening to?" I asked turning my radio off.
"What the fuck happened to your hair?" He asked trying to get a good look at.
"I cut it." I said trying to get away form him.
  I grabbed the first aid kit and started to take care of my leg. That wasn't there before. I thought it myself as I looked at my leg. There was a small star right below the large cut on my leg. I stood up going to get my camera. I picked it up off the table.
"What happened to your leg?" Dad asked coming up behind me.
"I fell." I lied.
"That's why you were at the Hanlon house."
"Yes sir."
"You should go to bed and tell the boys I said to."
"Yes sir."
I walked up the stairs trying to ignore the slight pain in my leg. I made it to the top of the stairs my and Henry's rooms were across from watch being divided by the stairs.
"Boys Dad said it was time for bed."
I heard an okay but, nothing from Henry.

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