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I walked into my room to find that Henry trying to crawl out the window.
"What are you doing?" I ask putting my hands in my hips.
"Why do you care? Your gonna call your loser boyfriend and your gonna let him fuck you senseless now that I'm gone." Henry exclaimed.
"What the hell's wrong with you? You were perfectly fine just a second ago." I yelled.
"Look just let me leave I just wanna go have fun without my  dorky little sister." He said putting his leg out the window.
"Three..... two..... one." I said counting until he fell. Just as I said one he fell backwards hitting his head on my bed.
"Dad said go to bed." I said removing my hands form my hips to turn the light off.
I heard Henry move around to get settled on the blankets Dad had laid on the floor. We sat in they dark and silence for a good hour or so. While I was sitting there my mind kept going to Mike and Ben. Why had I thought about Ben when I cut my hair? Why had Mike treating me the way he did? God, boys and feelings were confusing. It was all fine until I heard sniffles. There was only one person who would be crying was... Henry. I got down off the bed and sat down next to him.
"What do you want?" He also trying to hide the fact that he was crying. I didn't respond but I slide closer to him. Slowly I wrapped my arms around his bigger figure. He groaned pushing me off.
"What's wrong?" I asked wrapping my arms back around him.
"Nothing go away." He mumbled into the pillow. Before thinking I started humming 'You are My sunshine'.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are gray. You'll never know dear how much I love you palest don't take my sunshine away." I sang quietly.
"Am I the reason she left us?" He also so quiet I almost couldn't hear.
"What no. Why would you think that?" I asked rubbing his back softly.
"She left us here with him and I was older I could've try to stop her." He said his voice cracking.
"No she wouldn't have listened. She didn't want us. There's nothing you could've have done to change that?" I said pulling him up to my chest.
"It was his fault and I hate him for it." He said turning over so he could look at me. "I'm never gonna let him hurt anyone like her again. That includes you. I promise."
"Promise?" I asked this was the first time I had ever heard Henry say the word.
"Promise." He muttered. "Now go to sleep."
"Night Henry." I mumbled kissing his head.
"Night B." He said.
I woke up to music coming from some where and the smell of bacon wafting up the stairs.
"Who the hell?" I mumbled getting up.
Just as I stood up Connor opened the door.
"You won't believe who's downstairs.." he said causing me to run down the stairs to go see.
It was Henry talking to someone on the phone while he made breakfast.
"Good morning." He responded calmly. Now that I was downstairs I could place the music. It was 'Uptown Girl' by Billy Joel. I took a seat at the bar just to see what happened.
"Connor could you grab the jelly for me?" Henry ask.
"Yeah sure." Connor mumbled.
"Uptown girl. She's been living in her uptown world..." Henry sang causing me to giggle.
"Where's Dad?" I asked praying he was already gone.
"Work." Henry answered honestly.
Thank god.
"He got called in about some other missing kid." Henry said. Just then the phone rang.
"Hello." I said
"Hello Beatrice sweetheart." Shirley said into the phone.
"Yes ma'am." I said confused about why she sounded so scared.
"Okay it's you. Mike said to have me call he wants to talk to you." She said I to get phone.
"Hello." Mike voice came through the phone.
"Hey homeschool."
"Do you like have plans for today?" He mumbled.
"I mean me and Bill are going to go see a movie but I've got all day until then." I answered honestly.
"Okay you wanna go out for ice cream or something like that." He muttered.
"Yeah sound fun." I answered.
"What time?" Mike ask.
"I don't know like three or three thirty." I answered honestly.
"Okay I have to go now. Bye."
"Bye Mikey."
"What was that?" Connor asked.
"Nothing." I answered honestly. "Hey Henry. Is your old bike in the shed?"
"I don't know probably. I'll go check after breakfast." He said not turning around.
We all had breakfast and ate in silence it was awkward to say the least.
"Hey why don't you and Connor go look for that bike?" I asked clearing the air.
"Yeah it'll be a bonding experience for you guys." I said trying to get them out of the house so, I could get ready.
"Okay, come on Connor." Henry said smiling.
When they left I got up and rushed upstairs. I went into Dad's room and starting digging around looking for the box of moms clothes. Dad had never gotten me nice clothes so, I had it take mom's. I picked out a flowy dress with a floral print. (Kinda like Bev's) I smiled grabbing some white sandals. I thought about make up. Who was going to do it? Bev? No she didn't look like she wore it. What about Richie's sister? Would she do it. Could I go without it? I wasn't even sure this was a date. I continued to get ready and forgot about jewelry. I dug around in my box for a couple seconds until I found a simple necklace with wooden beads. I looked in the mirror and a thought came to me. Do I look to much like Bev? Fuck... I shouldn't have cut my hair. People are gonna think I wanna be like her. I just wanted to feel pretty.
"Beatrice you up there?" Connor called.
"Hold on I'm changing I said sliding off the dress to put on some shorts and a tee shirt.
"We found it. Are you going somewhere today?" He asked clearly behind the door.
"Yeah I've got plans with a friend." I answered halfway honest. 
"Okay can I go uptown with you?" He ask. "Henry keeps leaving to go look for someone."
"Yeah of course." He had definitely changed since I saw him last.
I knew where Connor was going to go. I had to go to someone's house to change if I wanted to look nice. Henry would never let me put the house in a dress. He'd have a fit if he saw me in a dress.
"It's two o'clock." Connor called. "I heard you say you wanted to be there around three."
"Okay I'll be there in a second." I called back.
We headed out with me walking the bike next to Connor.
"You know it's really beautiful here." Connor said trying to break up the awkwardness.
"Yeah it is." I said.
We arrived at the movie theater and I left Connor. I went to Bev's house to get changed. I knocked on the window leading from her fire escape. I saw her appear clearly confused.
"Go to the door I'll be at the bottom to let you in." She said. I walked down to the door of the apartment building and sure enough there was Bev waiting on me. She led me to her apartment as I explained what I was there for.
"I just need to change. Henry would've had a fit if I had worn a dress out." I explained.
"Who's the lucky loser?" She asked not turning around.
"Mike." I muttered.
"So you like Mike?" She asked trying to get closer with me.
"I don't know. My feelings are confusing me right now." I answered
"So, there two losers." She said opening the door to her apartment.
"Bevy is that you?" I'm guessing her dad called.
"Yes Daddy and I brought a friend." She called through the house. He came around the corner and looked me up and down.
"Why is she here?" He asked confused.
"She needed help doing something." Bev answered.
"Okay." He said going back to whatever he was doing. We walked through the house to Bev's room.
"Either way who's the other loser?" She ask going back to our conversation.
"Ben." I answered honestly.
"He's nice." She explained. "We've got summer school together."
"Hmm sounds interesting." I said hiding behind the wall of her room to change.
"Yeah. I guess." She said. "That's a cute outfit and I love the hair cut.
"Thank you. You inspired me." I explained. "But I have to go."
I gave her a hug and she led me out.
"Have fun with Romeo." She said reminding me of Richie.

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