This is Stupid

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I had drifted between losers for a couple days. I had been judged by Stan's parents and held Richie as his parents argued. I had helped Mike on the farm and read with Ben. I was now at Beverly's dinner table quietly eating dinner. It was complete silence except for the occasional glass being set on the table.
"I should go. Thank you Mr. Marsh for your hospitality." I said standing up from the table.
I grabbed the suitcase full of clothes Mrs. Denbrough had given me. She had gotten then from a friend who seemed to forget she didn't have a daughter. I grabbed my small backpack with some snacks from Richie's and some medicine and stuff from Eds. I had overstayed my welcome at all the losers' houses. I knew I couldn't go back home. I had seen Dad in town and he acted like I didn't exist. I went to the only place I would be welcome. Grandpa. Grandpa had been everything to me before he died. My hero and savior. He loved me more then life itself and now I knew that. He was on the way to save me form the beating my Dad was gonna give me. He was driving to fast and took a curve. That's all the police would tell me.
I walked up to the stone slab. There wasn't a place on earth that felt more like home. I sat down in front of it and started picking at the grass. I could just sleep at the junkyard there was plenty of old car but, I just needed to talk to him.
"Man, Grandpa I miss you. It's been a rough couple years... Henry's definitely the same he was last time we talked. Dad still isn't around much. I can't go home. Oh and now my eye is still kinda blurry since Henry hit me." I said looking around making sure no one could hear me,
"I knew I find you here. You've had me worry sick." Connor said I jumped thinking a ghost was talking to me. I turned around to see Connor's eyes had the darkest eye bags I had ever seen and his lip was busted.
"I'm sorry I ran out I was just so, mad it's been so long since Henry hit me." I said.
"It's fine. Let's go home." He said holding his hand out to me.
"I can't Dad won't talk to me and Henry told me not to come home." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to sit beside me.
I rested my head in his shoulder and for the first in a while I cried. Connor started to tear up too I felt his tears wet the roots of my hair. Connor shifted as I put all my weight on him.
"He hit you that night and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you." I cried into his shoulder.
"It's not your fault. I could've left." He said.
"We could leave them both. Be free." I said.
"Where are we gonna go. We can't walk to Arizona." He said.
"We don't have to, we can go to Grandma's. She still lives where her and Grandpa used to She'll let us stay." I said standing up and grabbing my stuff. We walked out of the bone yard.
"I have to stop by the house first." I said. "I've got some stuff we might need there."
"How are you gonna get in. Henry's still using your room." He asked following me to the house.
I climbed the tree Richie had climbed oh so many times and knocked. I waited a couple seconds and knocked again. I opened the window and slid in. My room was a mess ripped up paper and clothes laid around. Richie's spare button up was destroyed but I picked it up anyway and the very few pictures I had of me and the losers laid ripped up.  The only picture that wasn't ripped was a picture of me and Stan the picture had Stan's address and phone number on the back of it. I picked up the pieces being as quiet as possible. I let out a few silent sobs. This wasn't how my life was supposed to go. I heard someone coming up the stairs and panicked I hadn't gotten what I came her for.
"Man how the hell am i supposed to tell Birdie." Dad mumbled in the bath room.
I had completely forgotten about Aunt Birdie. She would be pissed if Connor just up and left.
I silently slipped through the silent house. I went into Henry's room praying he wasn't there. I opened the door and a empty room welcomed me. I saw Connor's stuff and grabbed it.  I slipped back into my room and grabbed my first aid kit, some underclothes, and some money.
"I knew you'd come back." Dad said from the door.
"Henry hit me Daddy and I tried to tell you but, you ignored me." I explained.
"Henry has to put you in your place. You went on a date with that black boy." He yelled.
"Daddy he hit me. He hit me with a pan." I said backing away. I knew a batshit crazy man his behind the smile.
"If you hadn't been hanging out with that Marsh girl this would've happened. She got into your head and told you to go on that date." He yelled. I hit the window sill and dropped mine and Connor's stuff out the window.
"I refuse to have disgrace the Bowers' name. You have loser friends and now you've gone on a date with that Hanlon boy." He continued to get closer.
"Uncle Oscar please." I heard Connor beg from beneath the window.
"You're staying here and working for forgiveness." He yelled
"I don't have to work for anything." I said getting ready to climb out the window.
"Yes you do." He yelled as I stepped away.
I slipped through the window jumping straight out and to the ground. I felt pain run through my leg and grabbed our stuff riding straight to grandma's.  We stopped at the door and stared at each other.
"Who's gonna knock?" Connor asked as we stared at the door.
I walked up and knocked real hard so, she could hear.
"Who's there?" She called for the other side of the door.
"It Beatrice and Connor." I yelled back looking at the ground.
"My beautiful grandkids." She said opening the door to look at us.
She was frail and it looked as if she was losing weight. Her eyes were a swift blue and her smile grew twice the size when she saw us. She stood at maybe five foot and weight maybe ninety pounds.
"You kids look like you've been to hell and back." She said really looking at us. Her smiled faded.
"It feels that way." Connor said grabbing both the suitcases and walking inside.
"Hey Grandma Bertha, can we stay here?" I asked once everyone got settled in her den.
The room was small with only a love seat and a recliner. The walls had wooden paneling and the carpet was green. There where pictures of my Dad and Aunt Birdie as kids on the wall. The stone fireplace had pictures of me, Connor, and Henry on it. The coffee table had two pictures of Grandpa and Grandma sat on opposite ends.
"Why would you ever want to do that?" She asked looking over us.
"Well there was an altercation at the house so, we wanted to stay here." I explained not looking at her face afraid of her telling us no.
"I'm sure that'll be fine. Connor call Birdie and tell her you're here she needs to know. Oh and don't forget to mention Oscar let Henry beat the shit out of you?" She said standing up and walking to kitchen. I followed her wanting to know how she knew what happened.
"This is so, stupid." Connor said standing up and grabbing the phone.
"Grandma..." I said not knowing how to asked my question.
"Oh and tomorrow you're going to the doctor for your eye. It's starting to look weird." She said her back towards me.
"Oscar was never the best Dad or husband but, Henrietta didn't care. She wanted a family no matter she dangerous it was." Grandma said trying not to look at her I just looked around the room.
I could hear Connor on the phone which was on the wall in the hallway. The small room had a table for four which was covered in a yellow and white table cloth. The walls were white until you got above the stove then it were yellow. The decorations in her kitchen were covered in big round sunflowers and red roses.
"Sweetheart, Don't you ever forget how important family is. You never know when they'll leave." She said I could tell she was talking about Dad and Henry.
"I haven't forgotten that. I've forgotten people who don't think I'm important." I explained walking away to grab my book back.
I walked back into the kitchen to ask Grandma a question but I couldn't find her. I walked out the small back door and noticed the women sitting on the porch staring off into space. I look following her gaze and there on a low tree branch sat a bird. I knew that bird from the cover of  Stan's bird book.
"Why'd he hit you?" Grandma said in a faint voice as she stood up to come inside.
"I went on a date..." I said trailing off.
"With who?" She asked grabbing my book bag out of my hand.
"Mike Hanlon." I said looking her in the eye ready to have to leave again.
"Your Grandpa didn't like the Hanlons. Me and Shirley were good friends until Leroy and Ray got into an argument, they were at each other's throats forever." She said putting the bag on the table.
I grabbed the bag and pulled out Richie's shirt.
"Grandma can you sew." I asked looking at the material.
"Yeah." She taking the shirt from me.
"What happened to it?" Connor said coming into the room.
"Henry, he tore up some of my pictures. I'll have to tape em back together." I said going back to my bag to pull out the pieces of paper.
It was nine-thirty as we spoke and my eyes kept getting heavy. I could tell everyone else was perfectly fine but, when you wake up at five in the morning you get tired pretty fast.
"I'm gonna go to bed. Which room am I sleeping in?" I said grabbing my bag and suitcase form the floor.
"Your Aunt Birdie's room." Grandma said trying to figure out if the white shoes she had in her hand went to Stan or Bill.
I smiled and headed up to the room. The room was about the same size as the one I had at home. The bed sat with the foot facing the window and a nightstand sat next to it. The dresser was opposite the door and had barbies and wooden blocks on it. The blocks spelled out Matt. Matt was Connor's dad and he was the main reason Connor lived in Arizona. He was a doctor and he got offered a better job in Arizona so, off they went. I took of the red overall dress and white tee-shirt. I slipped on a blue cropped top and some blue athletic shorts. I crawl into the perfectly made bed and fell almost instantly.

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