3 Years Later

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The bell rang and I shot out of my seat. It was the last day of junior year. I had a plan and today was the day.
"Hey Beautiful." Ricky said putting his arm around my shoulder. I had met Ricky the day I moved to Arizona. We had never dated but, the whole school thought we did. He just my only friend.
"Hey Ricky." I said stopping at my locker to grab my stuff. Ricky had shaggy blonde hair and scruffy facial hair. His teeth were yellow and he was significantly unattractive. The boy didn't take care of himself and it showed. Ricky was my best friend in Arizona and I knew that I was trying to fill the whole in my heart.
"So, there's a party tonight you coming?" He asked leaning against the lockers.
"Sorry Ricky I got plans." I said walking away.
"Come on B." He said catching up and grabbing my hand. I took a pack of cigarettes out and lit one.
"Ricky I said no." I said hoping Connor would save the day like always.
"That such bullshit you never spend any time with me. You're always in the phone with that Stan boy." He said dropping my hand and throwing his into the air.
"If you don't like it you can leave." I said walking away from him.
"I'm talking to you!" He said grabbing my arm.
"Oh yeah well I'm done talking to you." I said taking the cigarette out of my mouth and putting out against his hand. I walked away and climbed into Connor's car.
"Leave her alone Ricky. You don't know what she's been through." Connor said from somewhere I couldn't see. He climbed in the car and looked at me.
"Tonight it's the night isn't it?" He asked looking over at me.
"Yeah it is." I answered putting my seatbelt on.
"When you leave tell that boy... Richie I think his name was I'm sorry." Connor said as his eyes glassed over.
"I'm sure he's already forgiven you. Richie's that kind of guy." I comforted putting my hand in Connor's shoulder.  I knew Richie hadn't forgiven him but, I just hoped he had. I'm sure Richie was happy now and I wasn't going to bring it up.

 It didn't take me long to put all my things in my van

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It didn't take me long to put all my things in my van. A small suitcase and a book bag. It was all I brought with me and it was all I would take with me. It was all I had ever needed and it was all i would ever need. 
"Tonight I leave tonight." I said into the phone telling the only friend I had made.
"I'll miss you." Betty said whispering so her parents didn't hear her.
"You leave that house one day. Do it for me. You need to be careful." I told her knowing that her father was an asshole.
"I will. I gotta go he's home." She said as the line went dead.
I was gonna miss her. I could only pray that she would leave.
I had been driving for what felt like forever. I had promised myself I wouldn't stop until I reached Derry. I had missed my losers and couldn't get them off my mind. The only thing that kept me going was the idea of seeing my boys. I wasn't sure how long I'd been driving but, I knew that my car had started to mess up.
"Oh son of bitch." I said pulling over.
"Cars problems?" The guy at the gas station asked. The man stood around six foot and was built as if he had been working since he was born. His smile was bright and his face held so much concern. His face looked young and he reminded me of someone.
"Yeah, I'm not sure what's wrong." I said sliding out of the car.
"It's 1992 and you still drive a car like this and listen to this song. How old are you?" The man asked.
"I'm sixteen." I said opening the hood of my car.
"That's an Arizona tag. You're an awful long way from home." He said looking at my car.
"Sir' where am I?" I asked confused.
"You're in Derry, Maine." He said looking at me.
"I'm home finally home. Do you know where Richie Toizer is?" I asked looking at the man.
"He should be at school." The man said looking at my car.
"How about my car? Do you know how to fix it?" I asked hoping to see Richie.
"Yes I do. It's take about twenty minutes." He said looking at me.
"Okay. How much?" I said looking over the man.
"Free. I know you. You're Beatrice Bowers and you're finally home." The man said.
"Sir who are you?" I asked looking over at him.
"I'm Mike Hanlon. You've been gone three years and suddenly you forget about me." He didn't smiling at me.
"Mike. You look great. Why are you not at the farm?" I said wrapping my arms around him.
"I gotta job. I only do half a day of school work." He explained giving me a hug back.
"I missed you." I said smiling into his chest.
"Missed me. You wouldn't believe how much I missed you." He did pulling me closer.
"You think you missed me more then I missed you." I said lightly punching him.
"I'll fix your car and you can get some sleep in the office in the shop. Nobody will bother you I'm the only one working." He said pointing towards the door.
"How about I help you work in the store. Somebody's gotta man the cash register."I explained.
He smiled at me and I knew that this was one of my boys.
"Hey Mike can I hide out in the back room?" Someone called from the street.
"No, I've got someone else who needs it." Mike explained looking at the boy. The boy walked up. He had unruly black hair and his glasses sat crocked on his face. The boy stood around six foot and looked like a bean pole. The boy wore a lose bottom up and a tee shirt underneath. The boy's jeans were ripped and his shoes look like they were felling apart. I knew that boy.
"Richie?" I mumbled.
"Who's this Mike?" Richie asked looking over at me.
"Who's this? Do you not remember her?" Mike asked.
"No. That's not her. She wouldn't have remember. She had a plan. Life was going good." He said looking at me. His voice was a bit deeper and he was clearly not expecting me to be here.
"Rich." I said stepping closer to him. My voice was soft and quiet.
"Bab." Richie said as tears filled his eyes.
"I missed you." I said wrapping my arms around Richie's taller and skinnier frame.
"You wouldn't believe how much I missed you." Richie said mumbling into my shoulder.
"I promised you Richie." I said smiling.
"Ben. Does he know?" Richie asked pulling away from me.
"No where's Stan and Eddie?" I asked looking him in the eyes.
"They're all at school." Richie said looking over at the car.
"They get out in like ten minutes." Mike explained taking something out of my car.
I looked at Richie's wrist and noticed a bracelet that had the letter E on it. God, I didn't know what to say. It had been three years and I had nothing to say. I finally had my boys back and I didn't know what to say. These were my boys and that was enough.
"Bab are you crying?" Mike asked looking at me.
"I just missed you so much and I...." I said trying to get my words out.
"Hey you don't have to say anything." Richie said looking at me and letting me lean up against him.
"Speak up the devil." Mike said breaking out moment.
"My boys." I mumbled pulling away from Richie.
"Who's the girl Rich?" Eddie's voice came from behind me.
I couldn't be mad at him, my five foot seven and one-sixty pound look was a lot different from the four nine and eighty pound me I used to be. Eddie now  stood about five foot eight maybe five foot nine on a good day. He had buffed up slightly and carried himself with more confidence than before. This was fairly different form the five four and maybe ninety pounds on a good day boy I knew. Two other boys followed him. A taller lankier boy followed him wearing a blue button up tucked into his khakis pants. The boy's blondish curls look amazing in the sun light. Stan, that was Stan 'The man' Uris. Next to Stan was Ben. Ben had lost weight and gotten taller. He stood a good six foot and my heart squeezed. Not much had changed and he was still the boy I had fallen in love with three years ago. Ben wore a simple blue jacket with black jeans and black and white Chuck Taylors. They all made me look short.
"Is Eddie spaghetti jealous?" Richie joked wrapping his arm around Eddie's shoulder.
"That doesn't answer my question." Eddie said crossing his arms.
"Oh Eddie I was only gone three years." I said poking my lip out slightly.
"Beatrice?" Ben said pushing past the boys and pulling me into to hug.
"Ben." I said laughing wrapping my arms around his neck.
"How have you been?" He asked looking at me.
"I've never been better." I said looking him over making sure he hadn't changed to much. I mean I could've been better we were missing two but, I had finally gotten back to my home.
"Come on Ben let me see her." Eddie said looking at me.
"Eddie." I said pulling him into a hug and I knew that this was my Eddie. I should probably say Richie's Eddie. I looked at the boys wrist and saw a matching bracelet on his. It had a simple R on it. I smiled knowing Richie had finally opened up about how he felt.
"God you grew up on us." Stan said from behind Eddie.
"What was I supposed to do stay thirteen years old forever? Plus, look at you guys. You guys look like grown men." I asked a smile coming to my face.
"Yeah I don't want you to grow up." Stan said grabbing my hands in his. I pulled him into a hug and was satisfied. I didn't want to let him go and was happy with my boys.
"When was the last time you slept?" Ben asked looking at me with concern.
"Umm what day is it?" I asked rubbing my neck.
"Monday." Richie said looking over at me.
"Umm it took me about two days to get here and that means it was Saturday here." I said looking at the ground.
"Take a nap and then we'll go exploring ole Derry." Richie said punching my shoulder.
"I'm not tired." I said leaning up against my car.
"I'm finished." Mike said closing the hood and walking over to us.
"This your car?" Stan asked looking at it.
"Yeah it's my car." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"My mom had one of these." Ben said looking at me. I looked at him and sighed, he still had those bright shiny eyes.
"Hey Eddie, Richie come help me do something in the store." Mike called grabbing the boy's attention. I knew what he was trying to do and I wasn't sure that Richie got the hint by the way his face changed.
"Why us?" Richie asked. Yep, he didn't get the hint.
"Stan you come too." Eddie said grabbing Richie's hand.
"Okay." Stan said following the boys.
"Those two." Ben said looking over at me.
"They're cute." I said opening the side door and sitting down. I patted the spot next to me.
"Hey Beatrice I've got something to give you." Ben said making me look at him. He leaned in and placed his warm soft lips on mine. He tasted like cherries and lime candy.
"I've been wanting to do that for three years." He said laughing.
"Me too." I mumbled and pressed my lips back to his. I couldn't get enough of this. I wanted this for three years and finally had it. Maybe I do deserve a happy ending.
"Get some Ben." Richie yelled from the state door. I smiled and leaned into Ben's shoulder.
"Oh shut up Richie." Eddie yelled and I heard Richie groan from Eddie hitting him.
"Both of you let em be." Stan said groaning.
"Everyone stop yelling." Mike said grabbing the three and pulling them away from the door.
Ben laughed and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and rolled my eyes.
"Are you a banana? Because I find you appealing." Ben said causing me to groan.
"Now you've definitely been hanging out with Richie to much. We both laughed remembering that day in the club house.
"You know I'm still working on the sketch book you gave me." He said not taking his hands off my waist.
"Show it to me sometime. Why don't you?" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I've been drawing design of houses and buildings. They mostly remind me of you. They're big family houses." He said explaining and looking at me.
"You wanna have a family with me?" I asked squeezing his face in my hands.
"Of course who wouldn't?" He asked staring down at me.
"I mean we have the boys. They might as well be our children." I said laughing turning to look at the door of the store. They were all sitting there watching us doing whatever it was we were doing.
This was the meaning of happiness.
A/n  Hey so our journey has come to an end for now. I wanted to thank you for going on this adventure with Beatrice and I. We've shared good and bad times. I know that most of you will be willing to read a sequel but, that will have to wait. It'll have to wait because I need to be able to stream Chapter 2 and I just don't have access right now. I have other books I want to work on as well. As Beatrice would say stay cool and don't do anything stupid. Adios Amigos.
Goodbye my Beautiful and pained Losers.

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