It's Time.

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"Darling, I will marry you any way you want me to." Troy's sweet, sweet answer lifted my spirits so high I felt like I could fly. I let out a hushed squeal and promised him I would plan the best elopement in the history of elopements! I hung up the phone right before I heard a knock at the bathroom door.
"Anabelle, we are waiting on you." I opened the door to find Lena hovering, with an irritated face, and both hands on her tiny, little hips.
"What is taking you so long? We are trying to finalize the china patterns and we need your opinion." Lena hustled me back to our dining room table that was covered from corner to corner in all different china pieces. I had to make an excuse to get them out of here. I put my arms around my waist and let out a slight groan – Lena didn't notice at first so I groaned a little louder. It was like she was intentionally trying to ignore me, the wedding planner was the first to notice and ask if I was alright.
"I'm not feeling so well, I think I need to lie down for a little while, can we pick this up another day?" I asked as sweetly as I could and the planner complied and began to clean up – Lena tried to protest, but the planner insisted she had to rush off to another meeting.
Once I was able to usher the women out of our home, I went straight to planning our special day. I instantly began a mental checklist – dress, tuxedo, book the flight and hotel . . . the list went on. I was currently on hold with the Bellagio Hotel when I was interrupted by yet, another knock at the door. I mindlessly opened it and found myself looking right into the eyes of my past.
My jaw practically fell to the floor, Ian Mitchell was standing in my doorway, and that was a sight I never thought I would see again.
"Hey sugar, miss me?" No, I absolutely did not! Ian leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed – his face was twisted into a nonchalant, sexy, smile that made my insides do cartwheels.
"What are you doing here?" Was that seriously all I could say? What about something like – go crawl back into the depths of hell you climbed out of.
"Is that the way you're going to greet the man you love? Where's my welcome home kiss?" Ian puckered his lips in a way that reminded me of how entitled he felt, to have me at his beck and call while we were together.
"This isn't your home, how did you find me?" Ian looked a little hurt, he always knew how to play the wounded puppy act to tug at my heart strings – it wasn't going to work this time.
"The funniest thing happened, I was reading the morning newspaper and what did I find?" He pulled a newspaper clipping from the chest pocket on his leather jacket, that I remembered all to well. I had given it to him for our second anniversary. The clipping had a photo of Troy and I, it seemed to be a wedding announcement. Only one name came to mind – Lena.
"You shouldn't have come looking for me." I crumpled up the clipping and tossed it over my shoulder – as I went to close the door to the apartment, Ian shoved his fat foot in the doorway to stop me.
"Sorry to disappoint you sugar pop, but you're mine, or did you forget?" Of course I haven't forgot, I have dreaded this day for the last fourteen months – I never wanted to see him again.
"I am not yours, and I will NEVER be yours again. You need to leave before I call the cops." The second I said the words I knew I would end up regretting them. Ian reached out for me and I tried to back away, but he caught the front of my shirt in his hand and shoved me against the wall behind me. I refused to look him in the face, I kept my eyes closed and just prayed. I prayed that someone would show up and save me.
Ian was in the middle of screaming profanities in my face, I could feel drops of spit hitting my cheeks when suddenly, Ian was pulled away from me and I was free from his grasp. Troy had yanked him off of me and threw him into the hallway where he was holding Ian against the wall how he had held me against my will.
"Anabelle, are you ok?" Troy was holding Ian with ease as he desperately searched my eyes for a response – I was in too much shock to find the words. "Who are you?" Troy gave Ian a hard shove against the brick wall of the apartment buildings hallway.
"Ask her." Ian just had a smug smile painted on his mouth as he leered at me over Troy's shoulder – nothing will ever stop him. He will find me again.
"What is he talking about Anabelle?" I didn't like that look. . . the look of distrust. I never wanted to tell him about who I used to be – Troy didn't need to know that girl. The only thing that has ever mattered to me is being the right woman for him, the woman he can trust, love and share his life with. Troy wouldn't have wanted to be with that other Anabelle and I have done everything I possibly could to keep him from this, but the jig is up. Troy frowned at me as I hesitated to answer him, his eyes were sharp and it felt like glass was cutting into my skin.
"Call the police. We will discuss this later." I looked straight at the ground as Troy barked his orders at me and did exactly what he told me to. I was in no position to argue, I would be lucky if Troy still wanted to marry me after he found out the truth.

. . . . .

After a long night of police questioning and harsh glares from Troy, I just wanted to crawl into bed and forget any of this had ever happened. I threw my yellow wedges into the corner of the bedroom and stripped out of my sundress that wreaked of remnants from the police station.
"We need to talk about this." I glanced over my shoulder to see Troy standing in the doorway watching me – his eyes were cold and detached which was entirely unlike him.
"It's not what you think." I pulled Troy's high school football jersey over my head and it fell just above my knees.
"How could you possibly know what I am thinking? I came home today to find my future wife being held against the wall by some man!" He was right, I don't know what he is thinking, I can only take a guess.
"I know, I am sorry –" I couldn't keep the tears from falling any longer, I crumbled onto the floor like a pathetic ball of sadness. Troy didn't miss a beat, he was on the floor within seconds and he pulled me into his arms.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, even if you were having an affair, no one deserves to be physically harmed by anyone." Even if? I sniffled just a little before looking into his dazzling eyes with my weepy stare.
"So, you don't think I was cheating on you?" I could hear my own uncertainty and it made me frown, I can be tougher than this. Troy just smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my lips.
"You wouldn't do that Anabelle. You are too good of a person to hurt someone that way." Once again I couldn't hold back the tears, this man is too good for me, I don't deserve him.
"My belle, what's wrong, who was that man?" It was time.

. . . . .

It was almost time. It was only a matter of minutes before I would get to walk down the flower filled aisle to the man of my dreams. I feel so fortunate that we changed our mind, that we didn't run off to Las Vegas and tie the knot without the spectacle. We wanted our love to be celebrated, I can't speak for Troy, but I know that I feel like the luckiest woman alive to have found someone to share my life with. All I wanted to do was celebrate with everyone who wanted to join, even if I didn't know them, I didn't care, nothing could bring me down now.
"Hey there sugar pop, miss me?" Every part of my body shivered as I heard the voice of a demon from my past. My muscles tightened and I spun around quickly to find Ian standing about five feet too close to me.
"Wow, you really are a vision – too bad no one will ever see you in that dress." I took a step back and picked up the sterling silver candlestick that was sitting on the end table nearby.
"Don't come anywhere near me – " I waved the candlestick in his direction, but all he did was laugh at me and took a teasing step forward.
"What are you going to do? Bludgeon me to death? I don't think you have it in you." There he goes, taunting me, I refuse to let him get to me – I was already upset about being alone on my wedding day, and now I am furious.
"I will do what I have to do, so don't try me – " My body was shaking but my hand was steady and ready to protect myself like I should have done so many times before.
"You couldn't do it even if you wanted to, you're weak, and pathetic. That's why you need me. Now stop playing games, I am taking you home." Ian reached for my arm and tried to yank me towards him – I tried to pull my arm away from him.
"Let me go!" I did the unthinkable, I swung the candlestick and connected hard with his forearm. There was a scream, possibly a crack and then a hard, painful sting across my face that brought me tumbling to the floor.
"Anabelle?" I heard my name being called from across the room, to see one of Troy's friends who's name is currently escaping me. I looked up with fear in my eyes and he ran right out of the room . . . help would be here soon.
"You bitch! You broke my arm!" I had my hand holding my face and hadn't looked to see what damage I had caused Ian. I didn't get the chance, by the time I found the strength to sit up I felt a sharp pain in my ribs as Ian kicked me in the side with his steel toe boots.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" All I heard were loud voices and struggles between men, I kept my face covered with my arms, I was curled up in a ball with tears falling down my face.
"My Belle . . ." The voice I needed the most rushed over to me. Troy swooped me up into his arms and fled from the room – I had my face buried in his chest and I couldn't keep myself from sobbing like a toddler.
"It's ok my Belle, I have you now, you're safe." His arms were tight in such a careful way not to hurt me, I loved this man so much, despite everything that had just happened I felt beyond grateful. I am so thankful that I am spending my life with this man – and not Ian.

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