Of Broken Pencils & Paper planes| Levi x Reader

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"Shit" I exclaimed after having broken yet another pencil during class.

Everyone turned their heads to my direction and stared at me as if I had grown two heads. They should know that this is the result of my anxiety by now, it's not like I can help it.

Anxious people tend to be fidgety and in my case I would fidget with my pencil. That usually ended with a snapping sound and the upper part being flown into the other side of the classroom.

It was the bottom half this time. Nice.

"Miss L/n. After this lesson ends please go to the office of the student council!" said the teacher and continued scribbling numbers into the whiteboard.

Now, you see, you'd think that going to the student council would be better than going to the principal's office. Well, not when the president of the council is the one and only Levi Ackerman. He is both handsome and academically smart but at the same time he is as cold as an ice cube. He usually punishes people by making them scrub the dirty gym floors with a toothbrush. A freaking toothbrush!

The class passed in a blur and soon enough the ringing sound of the bell reverberated through the classroom.

Time to face the devil himself.

There were a lot of rumours circulating Levi Ackerman. They go as far as saying that he enjoys dressing up as a cleaning fairy while listening to despacito (something that I highly doubt). Maybe I could catch him red-handed and blackmail him not to punish me?

That's probably a death wish.

I was walking throughout the halls of the school until I found myself outside the room of the student council. I swallowed heavily and banged on the door two times.

"Hanji, if you are trying to prank me again, I swear you'll eat those goggles you wear" said a man with a grumpy voice and opened the room.

Well hello there, Levi. What is the weather like down there?

"What are you even staring at? You aren't a member of the council, thus you are not allowed to enter. What do you want?"

"It's not like I want to be here. Mrs Babouska told me to meet you"

"Ah yeah! She informed me that some student from 12th grade would come here. Are you Y/n L/n?" he asked, clearly uninterested.

"That's me" I claimed with an awkward smile.

"Apparently you have been failing math and you are constantly making a ruckus because you are always breaking your pencils, am I correct?"

"That would be right. The ironic thing is that I actually want to become a math teacher" I said sheepishly.

"Well, you are damned. With those low grades in math and broken pencils flying across the classroom, I highly doubt that you would be able to pass"

"Aren't you a little harsh on this?"

"Not at all. Not even the shitiest unis would want to accept you with these grades. You definately need a tutor"

"You know, tutors cost a shit ton of money, it's not like my family can pay all of that because of my own stupidity"

"Tch, that's why your teacher sent you here, brat. She made me promise that I would teach you everything I know about math"

"And what could you possibly know, Ackerman?"

"More than you, apparently"

I knew that he was extremely good when it came to mathematics because this little dwarf of a man usually scores more than 95% on his tests. The highest score I had got in this grade was a 55% (meaning that I barely managed to pass the test).

School | Levi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now