my best friend | Levi x Reader

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It began in kindergarten, while out at our morning recess, I found the small raven-haired boy crouched down on the ground getting kicked by two other boys. I never wanted to get in the middle of conflict, but it looked like he was getting hurt. So, I did the only thing I could and grabbed a teacher who stood by the door leading inside the school.

They followed me over and she grabbed the two boys. "(Y/N) you take Levi to the nurses while I deal with these two honey." my teacher ordered. Slowly I nodded in response and direct my now concerned gaze onto the boy. He was pretty scraped up and would probably gain a few extra bruises. He guarded his face while his eyes were shut in fear he'd get hurt again. But as I lean forward I gently poked the top of his head. "They're gone now," I informed him.

Still guarding his head he glares off into space. "You come to beat me up too?" he muttered.

"Why would I wanna do that?" I asked.

Slowly standing up, he balled his fists up tightly while keeping them at his side. His head is turned away from me while still holding his glare. "I don't know," he answered in a rather sassy tone. Cautiously stepping up to him, I tugged at the bottom of his shirt grabbing his attention.

"Come on," I told him, then flipping my hand right-side up, Levi glanced down for a brief moment before his eyes shifted up to my own. Then finally gaining a bit of his trust, he took my hand and allowed me to lead him to the nurse.

After that day, we became best friends. And as time went on, I hoped for something more...

~13 Years Later~

It was a shit day at school today. Drama with both Levi and Eren ensued which was brought up to the principal. They had physically fought in front of me at lunch all because Levi knew Eren was cheating. And thanks to the pictures from Sasha, it basically proved that it was. So currently I was on the phone with him.

"Look (Y/N), I'm sorry about what happened today but how can you call him your friend?" he asks.

"I've known him since kindergarten Eren, he's just protective-"

"Yeah sure, and a liar," he insults.

"...Sure, says the guy making out with other girls behind my back," I call out.

Eren let out a sigh on the other end before growling. "I did not!" he snaps.

I hang up on him and go into our messages where I sent the pictures of him smooching two other girls. After that, I didn't receive a response and as I sat there at my desk looking down at my messy desk. Now, I wasn't in the mood to do any of my work. Setting my phone on the desk I let out a sigh before jolting when the sound of tapping at my window began.

Finding the familiar figure there, I get up out of the chair and walk over. Pushing my window up, Levi slips in. "You're lucky my dad is out of town," I inform him as I shut the window.

"You know I still would've come even if he wasn't," he says.

Levi slips his shoes off and falls onto my bed. Laying directly in the middle, I lean over and lay down on top of him. I hated that he was fighting over me with someone else. Before this year I always chose him over anyone times over Sasha, my female best friend. "I'm sorry," I mutter.

Resting his hand on my back, he strokes my back gently. "It's fine-"

Lifting my head I look up at him. "No, it's not, I chose Eren over someone I love, you were just trying to protect me. You always are," I mumble as I rest my head on his chest again. For so many years I trusted him, loved him and hoped he'd feel the same. And this whole situation would've been avoided if we were honest about our feelings.

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