1 | Levi x Reader

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Written by: @fulleclipses

This time, it wasn't your fault. You sigh, clicking your nails on the desk. You had gotten into another... violent situation yesterday, earning yourself a jolly Saturday detention. You're the first one to arrive in the classroom this morning, which normally would have made you irritated, but you've been in so many of these that you're simply too bored to care. You bounced your legs under your seat as you wait for the other students to slowly file in.

Robert, the former captain of the football team, saunters in first. Robert was evicted from the team about a month ago. He always refuses to talk about why, exactly, but the rumor is that he used steroids or something. Naturally, that's pretty bad for college applications, so recently he's been cheating on some pretty important tests to up his grades now that he doesn't have sports in his corner. He didn't do a very good job, you think as you scratched your initials into the desk with a pencil. Robert slings his bag over the chair and plops on top of the desk to tie his shoes.

"Cheating again?" You ask casually, raising her eyebrows at Robert.

"Yeah. Fighting again?"

"Yeah." It's quiet for a minute and you look at your hands. "It wasn't my–" You look up, but he can't hear you. He has his AirPods in. You frown and go back to your clicking.

Next comes in Parker, who always gets detentions for talking during class. It's not like he ever has something funny to say, though. He's just always talking about something.

"Hey Y/N, Robert." He nods to each of you. "The usual?"

"Yeah," you and Robert mumble at the same time.
"Oh, cool," Parker replies excitedly. "I got in for talking again, even though I didn't even talk that much this time. It was Mr. T's fault that I–"

"Shut up, Parker."

Ruby, Valorie, and Tyler come in around the same time. They probably got punished for texting, backtalking, and solidarity, respectively. Tyler goes wherever Valorie goes, which means that he gets himself detention whenever she gets one. Ruby discovered the text-under-the-desk technique a long time ago, so you'd think she would have it down pat by now. Yet here she is, stuck in detention for a Gen Z addiction.

Mr. Chauncey strolls into the classroom and leans against his desk at the front of the room. He's a big, imposing man, always wearing the same kind of button-down with the same kind of khakis every day without fail. "I trust you six will behave yourselves," he says as more of a statement than a question. The whole room is quiet. "But just in case, I've recruited your very own class president to keep an eye on you."

As if on queue, the senior class president, Levi Ackerman, struts into the room with a clipboard and a large briefcase that makes him look even shorter than he already is. You, Robert, Parker, Valorie, and Tyler all look at each other with matching amused expressions on your faces, and Ruby gives a bemused smirk while she looks down at her phone on the desk.

"Levi?" Parker exclaims. "But he's so..."






"Now now," Mr. Chauncey cuts you all off, "We'll be having none of that. I expect you to treat this young man with respect."

Levi nods and scribbles some things down on his clipboard and sits at the teacher's desk as Mr. Chauncey leaves the room.

"Boring," Valorie whispers.

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