For He's A Jolly Good Fellow

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I tried to keep my composure, but on the inside, I was an emotional trainwreck. I was losing my actual shit! I was only a few feet away and already, my heart was practically jumping out of my chest and my eyes were drowning in tears of joy. My conscience was telling me to cut in front of these people. I needed this the most, but I put other people's happiness before my own. I'm too respectful to get into that kind of antics anyway and besides, I don't want Millie to get the wrong impression. I want to make a good first impression.

So, I stood nearby, not taking my eyes off of her once until I started to see her head out. Then, I would make my move. I did this 1. because I wasn't emotionally prepared enough yet and 2. because I didn't want to be replaced by the presence of others next in line. I wanted to be the last person she saw, so I was fresh in her mind.

She thought she was so clever. She thought she could fool me with that disguise...Oh, please! I saw right through that. I'd recognize that voice anywhere! I couldn't forget the way it sounded even if I tried.

My palms were sweaty and I was shaking really badly. My throat was tight and warm like I was about to burst into tears any second. I felt butterflies throughout my whole body. I had dreamt of this day my whole life and yet I couldn't think of one thing I wanted to say to her.

Next thing I knew, she was leaving. At first, I gave her a little breathing room from her last fan encounter, but then, the anticipation getting to me like a bad dream, I bolted towards her. I couldn't think straight, but I tried to configure my thoughts the best I could. So, I took a deep breath and thought to myself: Here goes nothing!

"MILLIE?" I half yelled as I approached her slowly.

She turned around almost immediately, as did her team of people. Her deer-like alertness, that look in her eyes in response to her name, it was all a little hard for me to take in. This was really happening- I was finally about to meet the love of my life.

"H-Hi," I said, hands in my pockets.

"Hello," she replied with a polite smile.

"Sorry to bother you. I know you're heading out, but I just wanted a minute of your time and then I swear, I'll leave you be."

"You're fine! Go ahead."

But then something weird happened. I got nervous. The world started to go fuzzy and I started to blackout. I was way too familiar with this feeling. I was always having dizzy spells when I was overwhelmed with thoughts of Millie. And sure enough, I collapsed to the ground.

"Oh my god! Is he okay?" she asked, running over to my side.

She squatted down to my level and lightly shook me until I started to regain consciousness.

"He-He's waking up, someone get him some water!"

"Millie?" I weakly whispered.

"Yes, it's me. Are you alright? You had quite the fall there!"

"Yeah, I-I think so."

"Here, sit up slowly and have some water," she said, grabbing the bottle from her manager's hands.

"Okay. Thank you!"

"Sure thing," she said.

And so I did just that as we sat by side on a bench.



"I know I don't have a lot of time with you, but-"

"*touches arm* This isn't a meet and greet. There's no rush! Just say however much you want to say. I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay," she said sweetly.

A Verdade Dói, Precisava de Algo Mais EmocionanteWhere stories live. Discover now