The Meeting

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Lucifer ran out as fast as he could but the beautiful man he had spotted earlier was completely gone, as if he just suddenly evaporated in thin air. "Damn it. " He growled to himself, ruffling his black, curly hair out of frustration. After a while of grumbling latin words to himself he sighed seeing it was to no use, the man didn't want to be found it seemed, seeing as his spells weren't working whatsoever.

" It's that old hags fault. " He huffed, referring to the teacher as he picked his head up, heading inside the school again, directly towards the principals office. " I demand the list of everyone who goes to this school." He spoke sternly to the old man sitting comfortably in the big leather chair behind the fancy, mahogany desk. " I apologize Lucifer, we cannot give out such information to everyone, especially not you." The old man spoke in a relaxed manner, flashing Lucifer a smile. " Why not me? What the hell have I done to you?"The principal frowned and started listing the endless things he had done. " You set all the toilets on fire somehow, you murdered a kids dog and put the head of the dog on the kid just because he said he didn't like grilled chicken-" Lucifer suddenly stopped him by raising his finger, visibly agitated. " In my defense grilled chicken is bomb okay? whoever doesn't like it doesn't deserve anything good in life. Fine, I'll get in myself. " As the principal was about to protest the decision Lucifer zipped his mouth shut with ease and glued him to his chair with a couple latin words. He strolled around the desk and searched through the drawers till he found it. " aha! You're bad at hiding stuff, old man. " He chuckled mockingly and left the room, not undoing the spells he had put on the older man. 

As he walked down the endless hallways of the giant school he attended he skimmed through the list of names with his eyes, some had photos attached to the names and some of them didn't, at least a handful didn't have a photo and of course he didn't find his beloved man on the list with a photo. He huffed then wrote down the ones without a photo, crossing out female names such as Mary and Grace and was left with three boy names; Brutus, Leonard and Jesus. " Time to pay someone a visit. " he mumbled to himself as he stared down at the names, choosing Leonard as his first pick.

With a tiny mumble he suddenly stood before the young man's doorstep on his way to raise his hand to click the doorbell, listening to the cheerful tune chime through the rather decently sized house, a short man with dark brown eyes opened the doors. " Can I help you?" The second Lucifer got a good look at the man before him his smile dropped and responded with a simple. " No." and ended up on Brutus' doorstep in the matter of a split second via the same latin words he were spouting through his teeth. He reached up again and agitatedly clicked the doorbell, sighing loudly when some short gnome popped up and before the gnome got to say anything Lucifer was already at Jesus' doorstep. He aggressively punched the doorbell out of frustration and huffed as it took so long, he reached for the handle and pulled the door open causing the man on the other side that was about to open the door; to fall into his arms, the silky blonde hair dramatically flowing through the wind, Lucifer was at a loss for words; he had finally found his angel. " I.. I'm so sorry-!" Jesus spoke with a soft tone and quickly pulled away, bowing repeatedly as a form of apologizing. " Oh no no ! It's my fault.. I pulled the door. " Lucifer responded, scratching his neck out of embarrassment. " Oh, I see, well I hope I didn't mess up your clothes. Anyways, may I ask why you're here?" Jesus asked curiously and Lucifer blanked out completely, he didn't think he'd get this far. " I- uhh.. I read on craigslist you needed a roommate!" He answered, the first lie he could come up with. He thought it was extremely dumb until the other responded. "I can't remember putting the ad up on craigslist, hahah, I'm so silly ! Yes I have been looking for a roommate, come in come in! I'll make you some tea and you can get a proper look at the apartment!" Jesus gave the older man of the two, Lucifer, the cutest, most precious smile anyone could ever form and Lucifer practically melted on the spot before quickly pulling himself back together to so step inside the house and look around. " What tea do you prefer? Green tea? "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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