Point Insertion

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<Author's Comments> BUAHAHAHA!!!

Point Insertion

"HELL YEAH, TAKE THAT ZOMBIES! A LITTLE PRESENT FROM THE INDIGO!" I yelled as I blasted through Ravenholm with my gravity gun. After all, you get an achievement for going through without using a single bullet.


"IT'S INDIGO, MOM! IN-DI-GO!!" I shouted while beheading a zombie with a razor blade from my comfy beanbag chair. My knuckles started to hurt, and I quickly paused the game. The doctor had said that I'd get arthritis twenty years earlier than usual if I played too many videogames. It It was almost definitely just to scare me, but I didn't want to take any risks of being separated with Half-Life 2. I walked back upstairs to have a snack while waiting for my knuckles to stop hurting.

"You really need to get off of those videogames and onto your bike!" my Mom scorned me as I popped some chips into the microwave.

"Well I would," I said thickly through a hotdog bun, "but it's all rusty and stuff. Probably covered in spiders, too."

"That's because you never ride it!" she retorted loudly, scrubbing a pan in the sink, "And why do you have to nuke those things?" she asked as I ripped open my bag of chips.

"They taste better warm!" I said as I went back downstairs, throwing chips into my mouth. I flopped back down into the beanbag, continuing through the game for the third time. "Muahahaha!" I cackled as I picked up the controller and resumed exploding flaming barrels at everything I saw. Slowly, my eyes got heavy and I paused the game, not wanting to fall asleep while fighting the mama Antlion.


"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman, rise and... shine."

"WHOAHWHOSTHERE?" my eyes flashed open, and I saw a guy with short, dark hair and greenish bluish eyes. "HOLY SH*T IS THAT G-MAN?!"

"Not that I wish . . . to imply that you have been sleeping on . . . the job. No one is more deserving of a rest, and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until . . . well . . . let's just say your hour has come again." The background changed from psycadellic images to weird flashes of Black Mesa. "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mister Freeman . . . wake up and . . . smell the ashes."

I heard a train whistle and the G-Man was gone. I was suddenly on a light green train, along with a black guy with a suitcase and some dude sitting in the back. The rest of the train car was empty.

"Point Insertion," I whispered under my breath. I ran my hand through my hair and found nothing but a short haircut. "Oh sh*t . . ." I mumbled as I felt around my face. I had big, square glasses . . . and a freakin' beard.

"HOLY SH*T I'M GORDON F*CKING FREEMAN!" I screamed at the top of lung. The other two dudes looked at me funny.

The black guy mumbled, "Hm. Didn't see you get on." I looked at the other one. He just sat there looking weird. I looked down at my feet and see nothing but a circular shadow, "I can't even see my own feet! THIS IS JUST LIKE THE F*CKING GAME!" I shouted again at no one. The two dudes looked at me again, and turned away slowly. "Exactly like Half-Life 2 . . ." I mumbled, staring bewilderedly at them. I gasped and stuck my nose against the dirty glass window, "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!"

I looked out at a large city that seemed to be deserted. Random chunks of technology clung onto many of the buildings. The train came slowly to a stop, and I bounded out the door, yelling "WOOOOT!!" as loud as possible.

A large screen was fixed above the train station, showing a dude with white hair and some beard talking to the people; "Welcome! Welcome, to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers."

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