Chapter One: Sweet Barbara

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Chapter One: Sweet Barbara

"You don't have to come with me Jack," I told him somberly as I packed my teddy bear, Mr. Stuffins, into my suitcase. "You're not the one who got kicked out."

Jack just shrugged in response to what I said and pulled the small brown stuffed bear out of my bag with a chuckle. "You still have this?"

Mr. Stuffins was a bear I got from Jack one Valentine's Day. It was more of a boohoo present to make me feel better since I only got two Valentines and everyone else got around five that year. Because Jack was the only person who gave me a gift and still spoke to me, I kept his bear with me on my dresser.

I suppressed a grin and ripped Mr. Stuffins out of his hands. "Yes, I do. But you're changing the subject Jack Ack."

He sighed and sat down on my bed beside my suitcase and stared at me with his brilliant green eyes, which were shielded by clumps of his dark hair. "Listen Little Red, you're my best friend, and only friend. Whether we like it or not, we're stuck together. Think of us like peanut butter and jelly."

"You know I hate that stuff," I said, setting down the shirt I was folding. "Your fuddy-duddy parents still love you, but my mother, hates my guts."

Jack knew he couldn't disagree with me on that front. Even though he wasn't one of the best teenagers out there, his parents loved him for who he was, like good parents should.

"My truck's already packed with my bags. All I need to do is add yours and we're on our way."

Even though I promised myself that I wasn't going to cry, I felt the tears forming in my eyes. Jack saying he already packed his truck reminded me that we weren't just walking to somebody else's house, but driving away, possibly leaving the state and living on our own. I looked up and faced Jack, the only person I could cry in front of. "Where are we gonna go?"

"Anywhere you want," he answered, standing up to wrap an arm around my shoulders and pulling me in code to his chest. "We're free to go anywhere Little Red. I mean, we're just a pair of blockheaded best friends. We're each others only friends too. No one's gonna care about where we're going." Jack silenced himself and thought about what he said before correcting it. "Well, except for my parents, but that's not the point. We were gonna be leaving here later anyways. At least we're sure to be together."

I lifted my hand to wipe the tears from my eyes. The crying was a little ridiculous on my part. Joking around again would help lighten the mood. "You're right Jack Ack. Now get off me blockhead. You sounded a little fruity with that speech."

The right corner of his lips twitched into his perfect half smile. "Want me to help you pack?"

I threw one of my unfolded shirts at him. "I was wondering when you were gonna stop acting so useless. Just fold that up and some other stuff and we're done."

What I loved most about Jack was how easy it was for him to make me feel better with his carefree, yet serious at the right moment, attitude.

"What are you going to miss most about this place?" Jack asked while putting a pair of shoes into my suitcase beside me.

"The cheeseburgers," I said with a smile.

The cheeseburgers in our town were to die for. Fatty yet crispy at the same time, with the right amount of lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and ketchup, with the best tasting cheese.

"Really?" Jack asked. "I always liked the chili dogs better."

I considered what Jack said. In my opinion, the chili dogs were pretty good, but nothing compared to the cheeseburgers.

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