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Yato: hey! No one's trying to read this anymore.

Yato: is there something wrong with the way we post chapters?

Hiyori: I'm honestly not sure... I remember the author going on a pretty long hiatus.

Bishamon: well, seems to me that she's lost her humor. She's not very funny anymore.

Kazuma: Miss that's not very nice

Bishamon: but it's true!

Kofuku: You are right..I'll admit that. But maybe she just wanted to work on school? Or maybe school took over?

Daikoku: You have that possibility so yeah. You might be right.

Yato: hey! She should've also had time to post for us!!

Tenji: that's not how that works yato.

Hiyori: She can't write a bunch mainly because of now she's in highschool! Like me.

Kofuku: she joined colorguard which takes up both tuesday through thursday and sometimes saturday!

Kazuma: Another thing is that..She now is in a relationship. But school is a definite hard thing she has to deal with.

Yato: hm.. whatever! She couldve still tries

Mayu: Of shut up Yato, you don't get to say what's right and wrong!

Yukine: yeah, shut up yato!

Hiyori: guys. We could take a different approach for this concept.


Kouta: do they all see me?

Nora: yup

Kouta: are they're weapons out?

Nora: yup...

Kouta: should I start running?

Nora: oh no.. I think you'll tOtALly bE FiNE

*and after that kouta ran..*

Author: I'm sorry for the long hiatus. I didn't mean to seem less funny. I really just am making these for fun but I really am LesS and LeSS funny every "episode" or even chapter.

I'll try my best though!!

Besides. It's only spoopy time. What more could I be than spoopy ;D

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