Right Under Your Nose

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[You don't really get a lot of info on this one, simply because it's supposed to be a mystery.

Warnings; My friend said that it was kinda sad but that's it.

Paring: Uh ship them if you want but none really]

Thunder roared outside as raindrops hit the window like little gunshots coming from the clouds, lighting flash through the dark sky as it only continued to rain harder and harder on the world below. The basement only had one window that led to the outside world, the rain hitting the window and rolling down the glass, making it hard to see through. The dark and stormy clouds were all that could be seen through the window despite the rain, as well as the lightning that struck through the sky every so often. There was heavy breathing and stumbling from inside the dark basement, it was poorly lit as someone traveled through what seemed to be a small hallway. In the darkness, a hand was dragged across the stone wall as whoever it was stumbled and tried to keep their footing, breathing heavily as if they were in pain, worn out from whatever activity. There were fast, quick, footsteps that were in front of the person who was staggering to catch up to them, they seemed to be in a rush, a rush to get away from them. Suddenly, lightning flashed throughout the dark sky, lighting it up for just a split-second, thunder soon roared right after it. A voice called out in the darkness, their voice dry and sounding sickly, coughing and out of breath, they yelled for whoever it was in front of them to wait.

"W-wait! You c-can't do t-this!"

They wheezed out, their movement stopping for the time being as they simply leaned against the wall and breathed, which they seemed to be having a hard time doing. The person that was walking ahead of them seemed to stop, all that could be heard now was the panting and the rain hitting the window outside. Soft footsteps began to be heard, the person with the heavy breathing making their way towards the other, getting closer and closer before being right in front of them.

'What do you want?'

The venom that was in the person's tone cut deep, slicing through the thick skin of their heart with ease, even if it was only in their mind. The wind seemed to get harder outside, causing the rain to hit the window even harder, making the tapping sound get louder and louder. It was silent for a few seconds, all that could be heard was the rain, that was until the heavy breathing person spoke up.

"We can't do this, t-think a-about how much this s-start! A-after we do this we c-can't go back..."

The assumed male seemed to sound weak as he placed his hands on the other person's shoulders, looking down in sadness as he thought over what the consequences of them going through with this was gonna be, it just wasn't gonna be pretty. The person they were talking to simply looked down at them, through the darkness no emotion was on their face, no sympathy in their void-like eyes. They seemed to be male as well, and the two had striking similarities, but that would be discussed later.

'We have to do this, we've kept quiet for far too long, we have to take a stand now.'

Tone ice cold, it was clear that he was tolerating nothing that the other male was saying. His mind was set on something and he planned to do it, with or without his help, it was the perfect time to strike while they are all sleeping and the rain would cover up any noise. No one would know, they would finally be free, free from the basement and allowed to wander about freely, no one could stop them, no one would control them. But, it seemed as the other was having none of it, he wanted to stay in hiding, cause in hiding they were safe, they couldn't get hurt. He tightened his grip on his shoulders, looking up at him with star-like tears running down his face as he looked heartbroken. It was dark but he knew he could see, thanks to he little twinkle that was in his tears, he knew that he could see the pain he was causing him.

"No! We d-don't! We've been safe down here for lord k-knows how long, we d-don't need to c-change it, we d-don't need to risk i-"

The speaking male was cut off by himself, breaking into a coughing fit as his legs began to shake, this caused the seemingly stone-cold male to wrap an arm around him so he wouldn't fall, an emotion finally developing on his face, concern. Outside there was a flash of lightning, lighting up the room for just a split second, there stood the two males in the empty wine cellar, having exited the hallway. Soon after the lightning came the thunder, the loud boom shaking the house as a whole and making everything seem 10 times worse. The male coughing was shaking as he raised a hand to his mouth, it was a while before his violent coughing had ceased and he pulled his hand away from his mouth. Shinning galaxy goop covered his hand, twinkling in the darkness as the two of them looked down it, fear making its way on to both of their faces. Suddenly, he looked up at the male that was holding him, leaned against him a bit since he couldn't stand on his own, he seemed scared as he began to speak in a low tone.

"I d-don't have much time... I w-wanna s-spend what I have left with you, who c-cares a-about them, w-we'll stay down here as long as we want. I just want you to be safe, p-please, d-don't do this..."

It was raining hard outside, his voice seemed to be so fragile as he waited for a response, looking up at the other male with sadness, but a hint of hope somewhere in there. He just wanted to keep both of them safe and enjoy the time that he had, he just didn't wanna live in fear anymore, he wanted to be free. He felt more star tears began to roll down his face, just as the rain rolled down the glass window. There was silence, even the rain seemed to quiet down as he awaited an answer, waited for anything to reassure him.


The emotionless male said, cupping the stary one's cheeks and wiping away his tears with his thumb, looking slightly scared and concerned for him.

'I won't go through with it, not yet at least. I want you to be happy, us to be happy, I just want to be free..."

Breaking out into a smile, the crying male only began to cry harder, but it seemed to be in happiness and slight pain, wiping his hands on his shirt before raising them and cupping the other male's cheeks as well. Bringing him down so that foreheads were touching and so that he could look him right in the eye before speaking in a fragile but happy tone.

"Thank you..."

Closing his eyes as more stars fell from his eyes, rolling down his face and dripping to the floor.

"Thank you so much..."

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