Bedtime Kisses

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[Heyo it's your least favorite thot Ari

Ok so uh two updates in the same timespan of a week yayyyy- I pulled this out of my ass in the span of literally a night, not a day, a night. It took me about an hour, two hours, to write with little breaks and shit which explains why it's so short. I saw an animation collab and I just had to produce this so take it or leave it.

Warnings; This one is nothing but fluff and a lot of kissing but no French kissing

Paring: TomTord]

"You know you can't keep looking away forever, right?"

Having his hands plastered over his face as he turned the other way, he tried to ignore his boyfriend that was behind him getting undressed. They were getting ready to get into bed and the other just had to sleep in his boxers. He always had to have a shirt on, personally, but his boyfriend could only sleep in his boxers or he didn't sleep at all. He didn't really think much on it though, he just covered his face and turned away whenever he took his turn to get undressed. It was more of a privacy thing as well as the fact that he would get embarrassed if he were to see his basically naked figure.

"Yes, I can and I will! You can't stop me!"

Sniffling a laugh from under his hands, he was still facing the other way as he heard footsteps began to come over to him. He still didn't budge no matter how much his body told him to just take a peek. He could feel his horned boyfriend standing in front of him, could actually see him through the spaces of his fingers. He still didn't act before hands were placed on his wrists, pulling them away from his face. He didn't really resist much, looking up slightly to meet his boyfriend's eye level.

"There's my prince charming~"

Feeling his face heat up and turn scarlet red, he tried to play it off with a huff and a roll of his eyes, he didn't want to seem like he was easily embarrassed despite the fact he actually kinda was. He tried to keep his cool despite his red face as he looked into his boyfriend's red eyes that he couldn't help but get lost in. He could tell that they were filled with love as they looked down at him, peering into his black void like eyes. He sucked his teeth and he turned away, his face still the same color as before as he gave up on hiding it.

"Oh shut up, you're making me gag."

Pushing his boyfriend away with a small chuckle, he felt a smile grow on his face at the offended gasp that he had gained from the other. He placed a hand over his mouth as he tried to hide his new addition on his face, he didn't want his boyfriend to know that he was happy in the slightest. He was failing awfully at it though due to the chuckles that kept slipping from him and such. He didn't meet his eye level as he listened to what he had to say next, his boyfriend kept the same offended tone that he had used before.

"How dare my love treat me such way?"

A hand removed the hand that was placed over his mouth before one was placed under his chin, lifting his head up to meet his boyfriend's eye level. He didn't protest as he stared into those red eyes once more, they were the ones that he had grown to love oh so dearly. They were nothing more than a birth defect but he thought that they were oh so pretty despite his own eyes. He almost forgot how he was supposed to be acting as he simply looking into his eyes, getting lost in them before he spoke briefly.

"Oh come here-"

Grabbing him and pulling his body closer, he had his hands on his shoulders as he brought his lips against the other's, the familiar set of chapped lips pressing against his own. He slowly relaxed as he felt his boyfriend's shoulders lose their tenseness and his body lighten up. The kiss was passionate and sweet as they simply enjoyed one another's company. He always loved the closeness of a kiss, it brought him warmth that he lacked and carved. He pulled apart from the kiss for a second to stare into his boyfriend's dazed eyes that were filled with love. He had a smile on his face as he took a moment to speak briefly before reconnecting their lips.

"God I love you so much."

They were kissing once more, their lips pressing together as if they were made for one another, a match made in heaven, or hell, it didn't matter where. They were meant for one another and they had one another, that's all that really mattered to them. His hands slowly traveled down from his shoulders, feeling his broad shoulders before he began to travel downwards. His hands felt his sides, feeling the muscle that the other had as he could only gawk in mental glory. He took his sweet time feeling his warm sides before he stopped at his waist, positioning his hands there for now as they had to pull away for air. They were panting slightly before his boyfriend opened his mouth to speak, a smirk clear on his face.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Connecting their lips for one last time before they went to bed, it was a short but sweet kiss as their arms wrapped around one another as if it were a hug. They kissed for a few more moments before his boyfriend was the first to pull away, chuckling softly as the other. His face as a shade of red and he looked as if he was out of breath from all the kissing while the horned male was fine. He pouted softly as they began to climb into bed, both of them ready to slip into the sweet dream of nothing.

"Wait! Let me be the big spoon tonight!"

Despite being smaller, it wasn't rare for him to take up the role of big spoon when he felt like it, normally his boyfriend was but he wanted to change that. His lover just seemed to smile and nod, getting into bed and getting situated before he climbed in the bed and wrapped his arms around his chest. He snuggled up close to the other as he felt his exposed parts press against his skin, though he didn't seem to mind that much as he was a literal radiator of heat. He got all comfortable as he laid his head near his boyfriend's neck on a pillow.

"Goodnight baby, I love you..."

Hearing the words come from his sleepy Norwegian, he simply chuckled and he hummed softly in response, closing his eyes as well. He could feel the other relax and drift off to sleep, he would follow close after within a matter of minutes. He normally had trouble falling asleep but that was on his own, now that he had his boyfriend as a cuddle buddy he slept much better than before. His body relaxed and he felt himself slip off into the realm of darkness and he whispered something to the other sleeping figure.

"Goodnight... I love you too..."

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